Chapter 52: A Blue Delivery

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A couple hours have passed since Tatsuo challenged the entire community in the guild hub. All the guild members and adventurers who rallied up to defeat Geld are moping around in the guild hub, dejected.

Random guild member: C-can't...believe that we lost...

Another guild member: How was that even possible...?

The gloomy guild groups mumble in humiliation and defeat. On the other hand, Geld enthusiastically celebrates their astounding victory.

Sharon, jumping up and down while clapping excitedly, "Yay~!!! We've won! I don't know how we did it, but we won!!!"

Darren: Err... Yeah...I wasn't really expecting us to win...But we finished those quests surprisingly fast...!

Victor: Yeah! I mean, I know we have Tatsuo, but I was thinking that if we were to somehow complete all those quests, it would take us at least half a day. Especially since those quests didn't sound easy either...But I'm surprised that it's already done! Thank goodness too...! Here I thought I'd be standing for the entire day. But before I even knew it, we were done! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sharon: It's because of our teamwork! We played our roles well using each other's strengths! Like how Darren delivered the materials from Tatsuo to you guys since he's so fast, and how I did the delivery quests since I can have Windie fly me over people to avoid crowds! We were like one well oiled machine!

Victor: Yeah! Yeah! It surprised me how fast you were giving both me and Queenie materials! Even she was surprised too!

Darren: Same for me. Nah, Tatsuo was even more impressive. I was only going as fast as I was because of him. By the time I'd get back to the meeting point, he'd just shortly appear after with marbles on hand. It was honestly quite unnerving.

Sharon: Yeah! Just when I thought he couldn't impress me even more! Like, I was really shocked when you all told me that Tatsuo and Darren finished their quests before I did! When I came back, I was thinking, "why's Tatsuo and Darren just hanging at the lobby with you guys?"

Tatsuo: Told you we'd win it. But it only went as smoothly since it was all Queenie's plan.

Meanwhile, Queenie stands by the sideline, enamored in her thoughts.The group enthusiastically talking to each other filters out of her zone. Her mind being heavily disturbed about something.

Queenie (thinking): What...? Did I just witnessed...?

Queenie (thinking): No...Something about this can't be right...! This can't be passed off so easily...!

Queenie (thinking): They probably aren't thinking too deeply about it because they haven't had enough experience as a guild...But the amount it took for us...No...

Queenie's eyes roll over to Tatsuo, eyeing him out from the group.

"He...! The speed at which he finished those quests by himself is abnormal! You'd find only a handful of people that'd be capable enough to do that...! Seven blue quests in under two hours...?! I can't even do that myself...!"

Queenie's mind quickly flashbacks to what Tatsuo said earlier about how they just need to let him be by himself.

Queenie (thinking): I may be deceiving everyone here, but that guy is the most deceptive one out of all of us!! Just what is he exactly? Is he a blessed person too?

The outstanding performance of Tatsuo stroked the competitiveness inside of her.

Queenie (thinking): Now it makes me curious to see how fast we could've finished those quests if I actually contributed...

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