Chapter 18: The Rude Boy

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Tatsuo and Jayce are panting from their drawn out battle.

Jayce (thinking): Damn...! I'm actually tired...! This dude doesn't seem to get hurt...! It's either that or he just doesn't feel pain...!

Jayce begins to question the mysterious boy. Who was he? And why was he so fixated on fighting him?

Jayce (thinking): Tch...! I wanted a fight, but this is actually more troublesome than it is fun...!

Suddenly Darren comes flying in with a kick which Jayce blocks with his arm. Darren darts back, pacing himself next to Tatsuo.

Darren: Sorry, something caught my interest.

Jayce begins to run towards the two.

Darren: ... No time for talk huh...

Jayce narrows closer to the two. Darren and Tatsuo tense themselves up.

Suddenly, San appears between the three, startling them.

Tatsuo and Darren: San!?

San glares at Jayce with a saddened imposing stare.

San: Stop this Jayce.

San turns his head at Tatsuo and Darren – "That goes for the two of you as well."

Jayce: San, what do you think you are – !!

San cuts Jayce off from his sentence, staring back at him pensively.

San: Jayce. Please...

Jayce angrily glares back until finally giving in. He reluctantly scoffs and silently walks away.

Witnessing their interaction, Darren looks in unexpected amusement.

Darren:... The hell? Just like that?

*Later in the day.

San escorts the two back to his home. Along the way, he berates them for ignoring his warning.

San: I thought I warned you folks about Punk Riot...!

Darren looks down in guilt while Tatsuo remains unfazed.

San: I'm sorry about what happened to your friend, but even then, you still shouldn't mess with them!

Darren bows his head to San in apology – "Sorry for the trouble..."

Darren: How did you find us though?

San: Heymlir got me up to speed on what's been happening. He's personally asked me to assist in arresting the core stealer! While I was doing surveillance, I just happened to come across you guys. It was a good thing that happened, who knows what would've happened had the fight continued.

Darren: Yeah, thanks San, we never thought we'd go against someone like that...!

San: Well...That's just Jayce. He's the leader of Punk Riot. Don't mind him too much, he's just misunderstood.

San: Me and him are quite acquainted with one another, which is why he chose to back off when I said so. Jayce was already a ruffian by the time I found him as a child. And his infamy around the city only grew from there.

*Flashback starts.

A young child with frazzled, curly hair in tattered clothes is holding onto a piece of bread. He bites down onto it, indulging in the plain food. A sudden voice brings him to an alert.

???: So you must be the child trouble-maker that people around the city have reported recently.

The little boy looks up to see a well built old man wearing a bright red cape along with fanciful armor standing next to him on top of a small pile of scraps. The old man smiles inquisitively at the boy.

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