Chapter 26: A New Argonaut

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For the people of Argonaut, the day was just like any other day for them. Crowds of people filled the streets as they were blissfully unaware of what has happened so far, and what will happen soon.

Amongst the crowd, Sharon and Darren wander the street shopping for supplies, with Darren guiding Sharon around.

Sharon: Here we go! Argonaut fruits! These should help Victor recover faster! Thanks again Darren!

Darren: No problem. Tatsuo brought me along to be your guy's guide anyways. Is there anything else that you need?

Sharon points her finger up to her face and ponders: Hmmm...What else would Victor like...? I do want to get a couple more clothes and some of their body wash... And I also need more arrows too...

A high pitched sound crackles from the public speakers located up high on electrical lines across the kingdom.

Speakers: Greetings, citizens of Argonaut. This is your mayor, Heymlir speaking.

The people stopped what they were doing as well as Sharon and Darren in order to listen to the sudden announcement from Heymlir.

Speaker: I hope you all are having a wonderful day...I know that this will come across as sudden for all of you...But I have an announcement to make."

People begin to murmur from one another.

Speaker: I...Will no longer be mayor of Argonaut.

People start clamoring among themselves, as what was once a mild curiosity has now changed to turmoiled confusion.

Speaker: Instead... I would like to offer a proposal to everyone.

The people fell silent to listen carefully.

Speaker: I want to expand Argonaut...Not just the city itself....But we shall expand its territory all across Irene!'

Speaker: As you are aware, this city is regarded as the most technologically advanced city in all of Irene...But we can be more...! You and I...We...WE know that...! A true modern powerhouse...! Not just a city...But an empire!

Speaker: I have worked for my people for the last thirteen years, and I've come to realize just how great the people here are...! From the denizens that have upheld Argonaut's public image and morals...The laborers who work vivaciously to keep the city running....To the talented minds of our scientists and engineers that we hold in high regards. The guards who give their lives in order to keep our city safe! And even the ruffians that roam the streets have helped the city whenever we faced a crisis that we admittedly couldn't handle...!

Speaker: If we unite and band together...! With the might of our technological prowess...! We can reach the status that rivals even the likes of the grand Kingdom Rototoskre! I believe in us!

Jayce and the group are running through the streets of Argonaut to find Heymlir as the broadcast continues.

Jayce (remarking snidely): Pfft...! The only thing that old coot ever learned to do was to kiss people's asses...!

Jayce: Hey Fletcher! Go back and return to the others. I can take it from here.

Under Jayce's caution, Fletcher separates from the group to return back to San's home.

*Elsewhere in Argonaut at the city square.

A voice shouts towards Heymlir who is sat in the exosuit with the cockpit open - "Heymlir...! What is the meaning of all of this!?"

Heymlir looks down to face the livid chief guard Gregundy.

Heymlir: I am merely doing what I think is best for the improvement of Argonaut.

Gregundy: Preposterous!!! Do you think that just because you're the mayor, your actions will be held unaccountable??!! Not on my watch! Guards! Arrest him!

Before anybody could make a meaningful reaction, the giant foot of the exoskeleton slams onto the floor in front of Gregundy, suspending him into the air and cracking the ground.The robotic foot slowly lifts with bits of debris crumbling off of it.

Heymlir: That was a warning.

Heymlir: Everyone in this city has their worth. Especially you, Gregundy. It'd pain me to dispose of a good man such as yourself.

".....You've gone mad...!" - Says Gregundy, shaking in fear.

Gregundy: Now I see why you wanted us to close off the city today...!

Gregundy turns to a guard: Quickly! Get the city gates open!

But a guard responds - "W-we've been trying the whole time...! But all the control panels have been destroyed!"

Gregundy immediately flips back his head towards Heymlir - "You...!"

Heymlir continues to stare down at Gregundy solemnly. He hesitates slightly but reaffirms himself in his convictions and continues with this speech.

Speaker: I know that as sudden as it is, what I'm saying is a lot to bear. Which is why I'll give you all time to think about it. I understand that not all of you will share the same sentiments for my lofty ideal. If you wish to leave Argonaut, then please do so. I will do my best to provide equal compensation for those that will lose their livelihood here.

As the broadcast continues, a random civilian catches San running with the group and calls out to him: O-oi San! What's up with Heymlir...?! Why's he saying all of this...?! What's happening?!

San: Sorry! I'm figuring that out right now! – San thinks in his head wishing he knew too the reason behind Heymlir's bizarre behavior.

Back at where Heymlir is, an adventurer calls out to him, confirming his identity.

Adventurer: Are you the mayor?!

Heymlir: You would be correct if you had asked that before I made my announcement...

Adventurer: I'm Weiss, an adventurer!

More people clothed in various armor and adventuring gear such as cloaks, capes, and weapons gather in the area.

Weiss: Me, along with everyone here gathered to put a stop to you!

Another adventurer, a female warrior donned in golden armor steps forward, unsheathing her blade and points it towards Heymlir - "We are representatives from the guild Rosemary!"

Female warrior: Please cease this at once! Forcing your ordeals onto the citizens of the town is unacceptable!

Instead of taking heed, Heymlir commends the adventurers and guild folks for their courage - "I admire your heroism."

Heymlir: I suppose...It's always good to prepare an example...For those that intend to oppose my goals.

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