Chapter 42: The Beginning of a New Journey Begins With a Blackmail

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Tatsuo and the group are walking along a path spanning through a vast lush plain; with the silhouette of hills peeking in the distance.

Darren: So...

Darren: Does anybody want to tell me why we didn't just take a transportation directly to Port Veronica? – He complains trudging along behind the rest of the group.

Victor: Hey now, where would be the fun in that?

Sharon: That's right! Where's your sense of adventure Darren? We gotta explore as much as we can along the way!

"Explore what?! Besides the towns and cities, everything is basically the same! it's all grass, trees and hills!!" - Darren retorts. He then turns to face Tatsuo.

Darren: You! You're the guild leader right?! Please! Please, I beg of you! For whatever shred of common sense is left in your head, do something about those two!

Tatsuo: Hm? Just let them do whatever they want. I see no problem as long as we reach Odale.

Darren hopelessly falls to the ground.

Darren: No...! It's no use...! There's something wrong with all of you...!

Tatsuo: By the way, I'm not the guild leader. That title belongs to Henteko.

Darren: Who the hell is that??!!

Victor: Isn't your thing that you're really fast or something?

Darren: Yeah, that doesn't mean I enjoy walking!

Victor: Right, so just run then.

Darren: That's not how it works!

"Well, I'm hoping that we run into monsters along the way!" - Victor says, flexing his arm with the steam gauntlet.

Darren: You just want to use your steam gauntlet!

Sharon: You can just return to Argonaut and get yourself a carriage to the port then. It hasn't been that long since we've left. You'd make it by today if you start right now...Maybe.

Darren: Then what was the point of me joining your guild??!!

Darren: We literally have transportation on us anyways! In your little ball thingies! Isn't that why we got those vehicles from the scientist that calls himself a doctor?! Let's use them!

"NO!" - Sharon pouts.

It was no use. Darren reluctantly resigns to the fact that the group wants to take their time heading to their destination and taking detours.

'Maybe I should've joined Archer after all...' Darren says in his mind as he sighs.

As Darren continues to bicker with Victor and Sharon, Queenie is keeping pace at a distance.

'I...can't be here...!' - Queenie says in her mind, trying to figure a way to separate from the group.

Queenie (thinking): If...I just left right now...They won't notice...right...? And if they do...What do I do then...? Run away without telling them anything...? Maybe I can come up with an excuse...Something like: I'm still not feeling well, I need to leave very fast...

Queenie (thinking): They seem like nice people. I don't want to hurt them...But if it comes to it...

Tatsuo: Let's ask Queenie what she thinks.

Queenie peeps, losing her train of thought – "Huh?!"

Sharon rushes over to Queenie, embracing her.

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