Chapter 8: Darren

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A hand reaches out from the river and grabs onto the riverside.The boy comes out of the river gasping for air with an unconscious Tatsuo in tow and heaves him onto the shore.

???: *Pants*...*Pants*...Damn this guy is a LOT heavier than he looks....

The boy kicks Tatsuo's body.

???: Oi, wake up!

A stream of water shoots out from Tatsuo's mouth and Tatsuo regains his consciousness.

Tatsuo: *cough!* *cough!* ...Wait...this seems familiar...

Tatsuo stares at his hand recalling distressing memories: This happened before...!

???: Yeah, only this time I was the one who woke you up, and I did it properly. Unlike you.

Tatsuo: Mm. Yeah. Thanks for saving me.

???: You should be. It was one of the hardest decisions I had to ever make. But you did try to save me back at the cliff so now we're even. Anyways, now you get what you're facing yeah? So how about you take my suggestion and quickly skedaddle on out of these woods.

Tatsuo: Oh don't be like that, we should both try to help each other out yeah?

???: Huh???

Tatsuo: You need to take down that monster, and I need to get to Argonaut, wouldn't you say this is a good opportunity for the both of us?

???: Did the water cause even more brain damage to you? What makes you think you can help me take down the Mandaeliscopod? You've seen what it can do! Also even if you were to somehow force me into helping you, I can't navigate us to Argonaut without a map, my things got washed away by the current the first time we drowned.

Tatsuo: Well perfect then, I guess this means we're both lost.

???: What?! No! How could you be this stupid?! This is almost the worst case scenario!

The boy stomps away in his tantrum: You know what, fine! Do whatever you like!

Tatsuo looks down at his stomach that begins growling.

???: But if anything else happens to you I ain't gonna come and save you!

The boy turns back and sees Tatsuo is gone.

???: ...In the end he just left?! – He exclaims angrily.

*Later on in the day...

The boy's stomach growls.

???: Dammit...So hungry....

The boy perks up upon smelling a delectable fragrance.

???:...Is that...Meat being cooked...?

??? (thinking): Someone else is here!

The boy rushes over to the location of the smell. He hopes that whoever he finds will be able to help him. Suddenly the boy gets one of his legs ensnared by a vine trap and dangles from a tree branch.

???: ...What? A trap...?!

???: Damn...! The scent was actually a bait...?!

??? (thinking): What kind of cunning bastard...!

The boy twirls to see Tatsuo holding and eating a piece of charred meat looking right back at him.

Tatsuo: Oh hey! It's you! – The boy has a dumbfounded disconcert look.

Tatsuo: Oh hey! It's you! – The boy has a dumbfounded disconcert look

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