Chapter 46: Auction House (Part 1)

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The group makes it to the stage. Before them, rows of seats are lined up towards a center stage. There, an announcer enthusiastically presents various objects that appear behind the giant red curtains behind him one-by-one. The group finds a place to be seated, while Victor marvels at the grand stage.

The announcer begins to present the next item. The red curtains draw away, and a beautiful woman in a sparkling red dress rolls out a cart with a fishbowl on it. Inside, a fish wisps away back and forth, as its body shimmers in the color of blue, red and purple, alternating in pattern between the three colors.

Announcer: Next up! We have the legendary Shinsuesoo, otherwise known as, "the spirit fish!" They say that eating this fish will greatly bolster one's vitality! You can live a hundred healthy years without needing to exercise! Because of this, it's a great source for cultivating "vital energy!" Unfortunately, this fish can only be found in restricted locations, such as the Raon continent! Which is where this little one was exported from!

Victor: Woah...Look at that thing...It's like I'm seeing fire moving inside of water, except it's rainbow...Is that thing really safe to eat...?

Queenie (thinking): The Raon country...? I thought they sealed off their borders...? And I doubt just anybody snuck inside the country long enough to find something as precious as that...Much less being able to sneak into it...

Queenie was always one for curiosity. Whenever faced with a discrepancy, she couldn't help but search for a possible explanation herself. Based on her preexisting knowledge of the Raon country, it was nigh impossible for an outsider to get in, which boils down to the possibility that somebody from within was smuggling items out of the country – At least, this was so far what Queenie concluded to make the most sense.

Announcer: Even then, there has only been a total of twelve of these fishes ever recorded, including this one right here! Now...! We'll be starting the bargain at 1,000,000 coins!

Victor jumps from his seat a little, "1,000,000 coins???!! That's insane!!! That's already more than what we have on us!! Is that little thing really that precious??!!"

Tatsuo: Sounds like just a rare fish to me. – He said in his usual aloof manner with his arms crossed.

Victor: Exactly!!!

Various bidders begin placing their bids, each one upping the previous ones. Victor turns his head in astonishment with the amount of wealthy people, and how much they were willing to bargain for.

Victor slumps himself back and lets out a defeated sigh.

Victor: And here I thought we were rich.

Darren: Well...We still kind of are. We just can't compare to these folks here. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are rulers of a kingdom from somewhere.

Sharon: It's a shame that whoever most likely gets it won't make the best use out of it...

Sharon's words piqued Queenie's interest.

Queenie: Say...Sharon...Can you perhaps see it too...?

Sharon looks at Queenie confused, "Hm? See what?"

Queenie pauses and chooses to ignore it, "Nevermind..."

Queenie wanted to know if Sharon was capable of seeing both the magic and 'energy auras' of other organisms like she could. It wasn't far-fetched since Sharon was an elf.

Finally, the fish is sold for a bidder at a price of 4,800,000 coins. The announcer proceeds to move onto the next item. This time, the featured item is a highly ornate silver gauntlet.

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