Chapter 35: The Monster I Want to See

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Heymlir's body arcs backwards from Tatsuo's blow.The wave of pressure snaps to a stop and the black substance holding onto the three vanishes. Sharon leaves her position in order to go retrieve Windie.

The three bodies thud on the ground. Jayce's bones cracks and his body judders in pain. Jayce groans as he tries to sit himself up. On the side, Darren lets out a painful yelp upon falling, whereas Archer just simply lays on the floor with most of his child-body crippled from the impact.

Heymlir creates appendages that converge towards Tatsuo in an attempt to crush him, but Tatsuo jumps out of the way.

Tatsuo lands a couple more blows, stunning Heymlir.

'Wha...My armor...!' - Heymlir thinks to himself in disbelief.

Heymlir (thinking): What is even happening...!?

Tatsuo closes in for another strike as Heymlir attempts to defend himself again. Alas, another blow connects with the black substance being useless against it.

This forces Heymlir to change his tactics. Instead of relying on the black energy, he begins to attack using his body more instead.

Thanks to the amp. Core, his physical capabilities have been augmented. Though, his body is weary from the battle. It's, however, enough to outmaneuver Tatsuo.

Reinforced by the black energy, Heymlir kicks Tatsuo against his neck. Tatsuo is completely unfazed and socks Heymlir in the face. Heymlir's head flings backwards with saliva splattered in the air.

'What's with this boy...!?' - Heymlir exclaims in his head, gritting his teeth.

'My powers aren't working against him...! And his body is extremely durable...!'

'Who–!' - Heymlir's thoughts gets interrupted by another punch from Tatsuo.

Amidst his assault, Tatsuo begins to monologue - "I may have been down, but I've been listening the whole time."

"The circumstances of this town...your desires...I could honestly care less about any of it...However..."

"The things you spoke of, your rambling about leaving a legacy...Have you been blind this entire time...? Look around you!"

As Tatsuo speaks, San's eyes slowly widen as if he was being reminded of something.

"This city and the people here that you protected and cared for! This dream that you keep speaking of....It's already right here!"

"What you're about to do to this town, is no different than what happened to your guild!"

A wave of nostalgia wells up in San, Tatsuo's words strikes a chord within him. A distant memory flashbacks inside his mind.

Heymlir continues to be assaulted by Tatsuo's punches as he is powerless against him.

'Why..?! Why are his punches canceling out my powers...?!' - Heymlir thinks in his head as blood spurts out of his bruised nose.

Heymlir (thinking): I can't completely defend myself...!

Heymlir (thinking): His attacks are becoming heavier...He's shredding apart my armor! And I'm already past my limit...!

Heymlir tries to slam the black energy against Tatsuo, but Tatsuo just punches it. The black energy dissipates into the air.

Everyone spectates in amazement as they watch Tatsuo overwhelm the man that just took on the entire group.

"Ha! Ha...! Would ya' look at that..." - Says Jayce as he takes in the therapeutic experience of Tatsuo beating on Heymlir and feels self appreciative for fighting and winning against him at the scrap yard.

Archer simply stares. But on the inside, he is also impressed.

"Ah yes...There it is...This was the monster that I wanted to see..." - Says Darren satisfied.

Darren serenely lifts his head back and takes a deep breathe.

'...Why couldn't you start trashing others like this before I get into a fight!' - Darren complains in his head.

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