Chapter 39: Eden

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The riveting party has come to an end, and morning arrives. San visits Tatsuo's group as almost everyone is knocked out from yesterday's celebration -- Punk Riot and Archer have already left.


*Flashback to Archer telling Darren that he's leaving.

Darren: Huh? You're leaving already? The party's barely started.

Archer (hastily): Yeah, I can't stay here any longer. I have to get out of here.

He takes a quick glimpse at Queenie before leaping off the balcony and disappearing.

Darren (thinking): What's up with him...?

*Returning to the present.

Somebody knocks at the door. Tatsuo opens it and it is San. San apologizes for not being able to attend the party since he had to deal with the aftermath of Heymlir's terrorism. He sits himself down across from Tatsuo. In the background, everyone else is still asleep.

San: The people wanted me to become the next mayor...But I refused.

San: We found the mayor's body...He's dead.

San: Or rather, he was killed.

San: We couldn't find the core either...His torso was completely mutilated. We currently have people investigating the issue.

San: Thank you. You and your guild were a great help to us. We wouldn't have been able to stop Heymlir if it wasn't for you chaps. Not that his plan would've worked anyways depending on how far he planned to expand Argonaut. There's still the guardian of Irene, The Green Beast...!

Tatsuo simply sat intently listening with his usual blanked out expression.

San smirks: You're not interested in our state of affairs though aren't ya. You want to know about Veloren...

San: Before I start, I want to ask...

San: Who are your parents?

Tatsuo: I don't know. I never had real parents...I was always taken care of by a foster mother throughout most of my childhood.

This raises perplexity to San but keeps it to himself.

Tatsuo: How come you wanted to know that?

San: No...It's just...I'd thought perhaps your father could've been Veloren...Or perhaps he could even be your grandfather at this point...I'd thought maybe that was the reason why you were searching for him.

San: It's pretty embarrassing to admit...But even after I've traveled with him, the man was still an enigma...Hehe... So much for me touting about being his big fan...Sorry, but there's really not much I can tell you about him...

San: But thanks to you, I remembered the time that I first met him...Back in Pillberry...It was around...Eighty years ago...I think...

San: Yes...I remember...It was there that Veloren had won my heart...

Tatsuo: What did I do to jog your memory back?

San smiles warmly at Tatsuo.

"It was your words. Back when you were fighting Heymlir."

San: Veloren was a wanted man at that time...Me and my guildmates helped smuggle him out of this land.

San: If you're looking for someplace to start, I suggest going to Odale. That was where me and my guildmates escorted him to. You may find some clues there as I know he spent a lot of time in that continent.

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