Chapter 7: Mandaeliscopod

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*Out in a lush woodland.

Tatsuo is drowning in a river. The foam of the rushing river splashes about with Tatsuo's desperately flailing about. However, despite his struggling appearance, his mind was calm...Emboldened by nostalgia. For a similar event happened not too long ago.

Tatsuo (calmly thinking): Ah...This is a familiar feeling...Is this what they call...déjà vu...? This has happened before....

Tatsuo (thinking): Only except...

Next to Tatsuo, a small boy is drowning as well.

Tatsuo (thinking): Someone else is drowning with me.

Compared to Tatsuo, the boy is struggling even worse. His obnoxious gurgling overpowers even the roaring sound of the river. Unlike Tatsuo who has already resigned himself to his fate, the boy brazenly thrashes about as the river takes the both of them away.

Tatsuo (thinking): Aah~...! Sharon... Windie... Save meeeeee...! – He cries out in his head as his body washes away with the currents.

*After some time has passed, the two boys are unconscious on the riverside.

Tatsuo slowly wakes up and sees the boy next to him. He calls out to the boy to wake him up.

Tatsuo: Ooii~! Wakey~wakey~! If ya don't wake up soon, the monsters are gonna eat ya—

The boy's eyes open wide. He flings his head over and it smashes against Tatsuo's.

??? rubbing his forehead: Ooww~...!! My head...!

The boy holds his swollen head in pain.

???: Ouch it hurts...! Did I Just hit a brick wall or something...?!

The boy darts his eyes at Tatsuo.

???: Why were you that close to me huh...?! Haven't you ever heard of personal space..?!

Tatsuo: ... I was just trying to wake you up.

???: There are other ways you could've done that, why'd you have to go about it like that? What am I, your sleeping beauty? A kick or a slap would've been fine.

Tatsuo:...That's a bit rude...

???: Oh yeah? And you're a bit stupid. It's only right I treat you accordingly.

It wasn't the first time somebody had acted rude to Tatsuo. Nor was it the first time somebody had belittled him. Yet, when this boy does it...Something about him emotionally triggers Tatsuo.

Tatsuo (thinking): ...Hey Henteko...We're in a forest...

Tatsuo with a violently scowled expression: No one will know anything...If something happened to him, right?

Instead of resorting to violence, Tatsuo tries to make up with the boy.

Tatsuo: Well anyways, I'm sorry about earlier. I got lost from my group, do you think you can help me? I'm trying to get to Argonaut.

???: Beat it man, I have business to do in this forest. I've got no time to waste helping out a monkey brain like you.

The boy walks away.

Tatsuo: at least I have a brain

The boy stops. Then he turns to Tatsuo with a deathly irritated look.

???: Huh...??!

Tatsuo smugly glares back at the boy.

Tatsuo: Hehe, what are you gonna do...?

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