Chapter 49: A Mysterious Boy

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Bearn: ...While I may not be able to give you all of that, what I can do is offer you something else that may prove of more potential value.

Darren: Oh? And what's that?

Bearn slyly leans forward to the group, holding one of his hand pointing up and winks one of his eyes,


Darren: ...What?

Victor: Credit?

Sharon: What's that?

Bearn: It's the currency that is used in the kingdoms of Graphine. Some nations and kingdoms have their own currency system such as Kamfvais in Odale. For Graphine, there are cities that strictly use credit, so coins would hold no value if you folks were ever to go visit.

Sharon: Okay, but then what if we never go there? Having credit would be useless on our person now until then.

Bearn crosses his arms, wagging his pointer finger: Non, non, non! That isn't the case at all! Haven't you heard of currency exchange?

Queenie: ....I see.

Victor: Hm? What?

Queenie: It's exactly how it sounds. Exchanging currency for another. While you guys may not need the credit now, there are others who do and will be willing to exchange their currency for it. In this scenario, you'd most likely exchange the credit for coins.

Victor: Hmmm. So trading and bartering eh...?

Queenie: Of course, that value will depend on the exchange ratio between credits and coins.

Bearn raises his brow: Hmmm, I'll let you know now, there's been an influx of demand for these credits, and its value will only grow even higher. Why you may ask? Why...Not only is Graphine the leading nation in technology–

The group except Queenie receives a huge dose of deja vu. His tone and direction of his speech remind them of Dr. Crogsbell.

Bearn: –But we are also number one in the entertainment industry! Thus, tourists flock to our places in droves! There's a trend now saying that it's every person's dream to visit Graphine at least once. I, too, strongly urge you folks to come visit us! You should go to Los Belt and visit me in the future!

Queenie: Everything he says is accurate. Last time I checked, the average exchange rate for 1 credit was 5 gold coins.

Sharon: Isn't that quite a lot...?!

Darren: If you were to have 200,000 credits, you'd be able to exchange that for 1,000,000 gold coins. So that's not bad.

Tatsuo: Now the question is, how much credit are you willing to give us?

A grin forms on Bearn's face. "How much of it do you want? Pick a number."

Victor: ...Errr...What?

Sharon: No....Don't tell me...

Bearn: Like I said, state a number, any number, and it's a deal.

Tatsuo: Are you suggesting that you have a limitless amount of credit?

Victor: Wha–...! No way...!

Bearn: I very well do. As one of Otis' close assistant, I am granted many special privileges...And who do you think came up with the credit system...?

Tatsuo: Wow. What a narcissist. - Sharon and Victor look at Tatsuo stunned, taken aback by his comment.

Tatsuo: Either way, accepting his offer is not for us to decide.

Tatsuo turns to face Queenie - "These magic crystals are yours. You decide what you want to do with them."

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