chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Chapter 5: Lucky Star and Space

A small village called Xiao Family Village, was located a hundred miles from Qing County in Jianggan City.

The village had not seen rain for half a year, and the continuous drought had caused the crops in the fields to wither.

What was strange was that while Xiao Family Village hadn’t seen a drop of rain in half a year, other villages occasionally experienced heavy rain to relieve their drought situations.

Even though dark clouds hovered above Xiao Family Village, as if to pour rain at any moment, a gust of wind would soon blow the clouds away to the neighboring villages.

As a result, the villagers from other villages speculated that Xiao Family Village must have committed some sort of sin, causing even the heavens to be displeased and punish them with drought.

The village head looked at the clear blue sky above and couldn’t help but frown. A villager beside him lamented, “Our crops are withering in the fields. If it doesn’t rain, we won’t harvest anything for half a year. Is it true that our village has committed some sin that even the heavens are punishing us?”

The village head replied solemnly, “Nonsense!”

Suddenly, he saw Xiao Wanshan and his family returning to the village with their child.

To the village head’s surprise, as soon as their feet stepped into the village, the previously clear blue sky became engulfed in dark clouds, followed by thunder and lightning.

In fact, the villagers were no longer surprised by such a situation.

Many times before, the rain had just ended up falling in neighboring villages.

Xiao Wanshan looked up at the sky and said, “Let’s hurry home, or Little Bao will get caught in the rain.”

A villager smiled and reassured him, “Wanshan, don’t worry. It won’t rain. This has happened so many times before.”

Before Xiao Wanshan could react, Xiao Junxuan, who was carrying things beside him, said, “Auntie Chun, but the raindrops are already hitting my face.”

“What?” The villager immediately looked up and indeed felt heavy raindrops like beans hitting their faces.

Excited and agitated, the villagers exclaimed, “It’s raining! It’s raining!”

The village head was also shocked; it was really raining this time.

He was overjoyed.

Seeing Xiao Wanshan’s family just at the village entrance, he shouted, “Wanshan, hurry up and run home with the child! Anyone close to them, bring a big umbrella quickly!”

Upon hearing the village head’s shout, other villagers reacted.

“It’s too late to grab an umbrella. Quick, quick, my house is the closest. Hurry to my house for shelter.”

“Aunt, I’m still in confinement period, I can’t go to your house.”

“Why can’t you? Come on, hurry up. The rain is getting heavier, and if you don’t go now, you’ll get soaked. You’re in confinement, you can’t get caught in the rain!”

Soon after, whether it was Xiao Wanshan’s family or other villagers farther away, they all ran to Xiao Chunming’s house, which was the closest to the village entrance.

Not long after they entered, they heard the sound of heavy rain pouring outside.

“Haha, it’s really raining!”

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