chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Red Peak Mountain

Not only is Red Peak Mountain the highest peak around Xiao Family Village, it’s also a notorious primordial forest in Qing County, fraught with dangers for those who don’t take precautions before entering.

“Jinli, where are you off to?”

At the foot of Red Peak Mountain, villagers seeing Xiao Jinli on the road asked.

With a smile, Xiao Jinli replied, “I’m going to the mountain to see if I can find any wild chickens or rabbits. I fancy some game meat today.”

Upon hearing this, the villagers burst out laughing, “Haha, your luck is always so good. While others may search the mountain high and low without finding a single chicken, Jinli can always find wild chickens and rabbits rushing towards her. If they don’t run into a tree, they’re already injured by other animals.”

One of the villagers chimed in, “I envy your luck. Jinli, if you find any spare wild chickens or rabbits could you sell one to us? My naughty boy is also craving for them, and I don’t know what else to feed him.”

Once one person spoke up, the other villagers began to say, “Jinli, if you have extras, do sell one to my family too.”

Listening to their requests, Xiao Jinli tilted her head slightly and held up two fingers, “Today, I can probably only find two wild chickens at most.”

So, she could only spare one wild chicken to be distributed.

“Then I’ll have to wait for the next time. Jinli, I’m pre-ordering for the next time!”

Even though they live at the foothill, wild game is not an everyday occurrence.

Now that life has improved, people are less focused on hunting in the mountains to obtain basic necessities for life.

Now, those who hunt on the mountain do so purely for the taste of game meat.

But there are strict laws by the government. Hunting many wild animals is illegal and the punishment is imprisonment.

Rural people do not know which wild animals may be hunted and which are not. If they inadvertently break the law, it would be too late for regrets.

The most famous case happened when a college student caught a few birds in the mountains, only to be reported for capturing endangered species protected by law. One year of imprisonment for each bird, he was sentenced to eleven years in total.

After this case occurred, the village head held a village-wide meeting to sternly warn everyone, not to hunt arbitrarily in the mountains, as the consequences could be severe.

Of course, they could hunt wild chickens and rabbits, but these animals were not always available.

Only Xiao Jinli had such luck; every time she went to the mountain, she ended up finding something. Yes, literally coming across.

She could easily find things that others couldn’t hunt.

Xiao Jinli didn’t know what the villagers thought of her, but she suddenly felt like taking a trip to the mountain today.

Also, she really did crave some wild game today.

However, whenever she went to the mountain, she was always alone. She did not like others following her, especially those mischievous children.

Apart from the initial period when Xiao family members and villagers went up the mountain with her out of concern, they gradually started feeling reassured after several times finding Xiao Jinli returned from the mountain safe and sounu.

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