chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Ordinary Life of Common People

At this moment, Su Yichen was unaware that the people in Capital City were scheming against him.

Even if he knew, he would just sneer and laugh it off.

Of course, he couldn’t see their anxious state either when they couldn’t get in touch with him.

He was currently pretending to have amnesia and had no plans to return to Capital City immediately.

“Ha, you want to learn how to ride a motorcycle?” Xiao Mother said with some difficulty, “But Xiao Quan, you don’t have an ID card even if you learn how to ride a motorcycle and get your license, right?”

Xiao Siqian said, “Aunt, I checked. Even if I have a fake name and temporary identity, it is still issued through the official channels of government agencies, and it is a form of ID proof that can be used to get a driver’s license. If I remember in the future, I can just change it back to my original identity, and the driver’s license can also be changed.”

After listening, Xiao Mother said, “Oh, so it can be done like this. Well, if you want to learn, go learn. But I’m not very good at riding a motorcycle either. When Little Li’s brother comes home, he can teach you. Once your riding skills are proficient, you can go take the driver’s license test!”

Xiao Sigian said, “Alright, thank you Aunt.”

The main reason he wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle was to make it  easier to pick up Xiao Jinli in town.

He really liked the young girl, but of course, for now, he only thought of her as a sister.

Xiao Mother said, “Xiao Quan, come and have breakfast quickly. Then clean up and we’ll go to the county town to buy you two sets of clothes and buy some books for you to test.”

When he thought about how his friends in Capital City would laugh at the fact that he, an international brand-name university graduate, had to do elementary and junior high school tests, he couldn’t help but scoff.

When he thought of those friends in Capital City, Xiao Siqian’s eyes darkened slightly.

The Xiao family had a pretty good life.

In addition to a small western-style building, they had two motorcycles, a tricycle, and a small sedan worth over a hundred thousand RMB.

When Xiao’s Mother said she was going to take Xiao Siqian to the county town to buy clothes, Xiao Junxuan, Jinli’s older brother, drove them to the county town without any hesitation.

Xiao Siqian looked at Xiao Junxuan driving with admiration and said, “Brother Xuan, your driving skills are awesome, very steady. When did you learn to drive, Brother Xuan?”

Xiao Junxuan raised an eyebrow and smiled, “I started learning to drive at 16 and got my driver’s license at 18. Before I got my driver’s license, I drove without one.”

Xiao Siqian,

So he should be able to drive without a license, right?

However, he was already 18 years old and should be able to take the driver’s license test.

But in order to take the test, he had to pay a fee, which…

Xiao Siqian glanced at Xiao Junxuan secretly, and then his expression became resolute, thinking, “Anyway, I’ll have to pay off my debts. I’ll owe a million whether I like it or not, so I might as well owe ten million. In the future, I’ll pay it back.”

Xiao Mother laughed and said, “Little Xuan, Xiao Quan said he wants to take the driver’s license test. You can take him to the driving school to register in a few days.”

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