chapter 86

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Chapter 86: Chapter 86: Xiao Siqian’s Trouble

Xiao Siqian and Li Dayong’s argument quickly attracted some onlookers.

However, it was now work hours, and most ordinary employees were working in the workshop.

Those who came over were either security guards or company management.

“Li Dayong, what’s going on? It took you more than half a day just to deliver some goods!”

The person who came was a woman in her forties, who seemed like a department leader.

With a pale face, Li Dayong said to the woman, “Director Xin, my stomach was not feeling well just now, so I asked him to help deliver the goods to the workshop. But I didn’t expect that after coming out of the toilet, he would still be here. I criticized him, and he said it wasn’t his job.”

Director Xin raised her head to look at Xiao Siqian. As she saw his appearance clearly, her eyes lit up, but she instantly asked seriously, “Which workshop do you belong to? I haven’t seen you before.”

Xiao Siqian said, “I don’t belong to any workshop.”

Director Xin asked with confusion, “Not to any workshop? Are you from an office? Which office do you belong to? I haven’t heard of any department hiring new people.” Except for the production workshops.

Xiao Siqian shook his head, “No, I’m not!”

Upon hearing this, Li Dayong immediately said, “You’re not from a workshop, nor from an office? What are you doing here then? This is not a tourist attraction; you can’t be here just for fun.”

Xiao Siqian nodded, “That’s right; I came here for fun.”

Then he explained to Director Xin, “I was just passing by when this guy suddenly handed me a cart full of goods he pulled. Without asking whether I accepted or not, he just went straight to the toilet.

At first, I was going to help, but I didn’t know how to pull this kind of cart. I tried for half an hour, and by the time he came out from the toilet, I had only managed to pull it a dozen meters or so. So, it’s not my fault that I didn’t help to deliver the goods to the workshop, right?

Instead, this guy comes out and scolds me without considering the actual situation. Excuse me, is it my fault that the goods didn’t make it to the workshop?”

Director Xm• , “…” It’s not your fault.

These small carts may look easy to pull, but for someone who’s never operated one before, it’s not easy to get the hang of it.

Director Xin looked at Li Dayong with narrowed eyes and asked coldly, “Li Dayong, what do you have to say for yourself? You were supposed to deliver the goods first, but you went to the toilet instead and stayed there for half an hour! Are you constipated or something? And now you’re blaming him? How thick is your skin?”

Li Dayong’s face turned red, and he stammered, “Director Xin, this… I can’t be blamed. I thought he was here to work, and I was in a hurry, so I asked him to help. Who knew he wouldn’t help!”

He turned the fact that someone was helping him into not helping, just to shirk responsibility.

Director Xin said coldly, “Enough, don’t say anything more. Hurry up and deliver these goods; they’re waiting for you inside.”

Li Dayong still wanted to argue, but meeting Director Xin’s cold gaze, he could only pull the goods away with an awkward face.

After Li Dayongleft, Director Xin asked Xiao Siqian again, “If you’re not from a workshop nor an office, are you here for an interview?”

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