chapter 14

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Chapter 14 – Chapter 14: The Liu Family Causes Trouble Again

Xiao Family Village was a very united and cohesive village.

Following Xiao Jinli’s instructions, the Village Head quickly arranged for people to take action.

The Village Head and Xiao Youfu arrived at Xiao Jinli’s house.

In these two days, Xiao Youfu had been taking care of Xiao Chunhua at the hospital, and he was very worried about her. His whole person seemed haggard and pale, with more than half of his hair turned white.

It’s true; the children indeed are the debt of their parents.

The ones who always worry about their children are their parents.

Xiao Youfu angrily said, “Chunhua said that day, somehow, she just drank a cup of tea handed by Daqiang and fell asleep. When she woke up, she saw a large group of people standing in the room, all pointing to her saying she had stolen a man.”

Afterwards, Liu Laizi, who was lying next to her, said that she had seduced him into the house. He even said that they had been together for a long time, and the child in Chunhua’s stomach might be his.”

Then Liu Daqiang, out of anger, beat Chunhua and caused her to lose the child. These bastards were all bullying my Chunhua.”

“There was clearly something wrong with the tea. Otherwise, with such a commotion, she would have woken up already.”

Xiao Jinli just comforted him, “Uncle Fu, calm down! We’ll definitely help her seek justice and clear Sister Chunhua’s name.”

Who would have thought that just as she finished speaking, a child ran over, “Uncle Three, Uncle Three, those bad guys are at your house again!”

“What?” Xiao Fu was so surprised that he jumped up, “Well, they dare to come here? If they don’t come, I’ll go to Liujiacun.”

With that said, he stood up and ran out quickly.

Xiao Jinli and the Village Head immediately followed.

Xiao Youfu has a son and a daughter – Xiao Chunhua is the eldest, Xiao Chunming is the second, but he was already of age and had gone out to work.

The elderly couple was still able to take care of themselves at home, so they lived alone in a separate house.

Madame Xiao was taking care of Xiao Chunhua in the hospital, so there was only Xiao Youfu at home.

However, Xiao Youfu had a large family.

As soon as they heard that the Liu Family was coming again, the villagers of the Xiao Family Village immediately dropped their work, picked up an iron shovel or hoe from their homes, and hurried to Xiao Youfu’s house.

“Well, Liu Bald, I didn’t even come looking for you, and you already came knocking on my door.”

As the saying goes, enemies meeting each other would see red!

As soon as Xiao Youfu saw Liu Bald, he couldn’t wait to tear them apart.

This family almost killed his daughter!

At this time, a short, slightly plump middle-aged woman, hands on her hips, and in a shrew-like image, scolded, “Xiao Youfu, your family is full of cheap people, and you treat our Liu Family as if we were dead? Doing such shameless things in broad daylight, you people are shameless women that get around. You should be put into a pig cage and spare us the shame on our Liu Family.”

Listening to Old Lady Liu’s words, Xiao Youfu’s face turned pale with anger, but he, as a big man, didn’t know how to retort.

Xiao Chunhua’s aunt stepped forward, put her hands on her hips, and immediately viciously cursed back, “Chen Erying, you crazy woman, you’re the cheap one, and your whole family is cheap! It’s obviously your son, Liu Daqiang, who stole a man, don’t try to pin that crime on my Chunhua. Your precious son, Liu Daqiang, should be the one in the pig cage!”

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