chapter 64

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Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Harvesting Grains

By three or four o’clock, Xiao Junxuan went to the grain drying field.

He grabbed a broom, circled around the rice, swept in the middle, and then the rice stalks flew together.

After sweeping these rice stalks into a pile, Xiao Junxuan picked up a sieve and filtered them out.

Soon after, the rice at the drying field became even more golden and full.

However, Xiao Junxuan looked at the sky, and thought it was about time to pile up the rice.

After some thought, he took out his cellphone and called home.

The phone was answered by Xiao Jinli.

Xiao Junxuan said, “Sis, it’s time to harvest the rice, you can wake up mom and dad.”

After hanging up, he used the broom to sweep the rice grains together.

Before long, Xiao Mother, Xiao Jinli, and Xiao Siqian arrived.

As for Xiao Father, he got drunk at noon and was difficult to wake up, so Xiao Mother didn’t bother calling him.

Anyway, since it’s not raining and there’s no rush to harvest the rice, it’s no big deal.

Xiao Mother came and picked up a broom and started sweeping.

Xiao Jinli also did the same, sweeping with a broom as well.

Xiao Siqian, “…” what should he do?

He looked around and didn’t see any brooms.

There were only three brooms in the house.

Xiao Siqian asked, “What should I do then?”

Xiao Jinli replied, “You can take the push scraper board and collect the rice.” Xiao Siqian, “…” but how do you collect it?

Xiao Junxuan put down his broom, picked up the push scraper board, walked toward the center, and scraped the rice together from all sides, bit by bit. Then he said, “Xiao Quan, this is how you use it. There’s another push scraper board over there.”

Xiao Siqian picked up the other push scraper board and started gathering the rice.

The two male students were strong, and Xiao Jinli was also strong, so sweeping the rice repeatedly wasn’t very tiring.

Xiao Mother had done this kind of work countless times, so sweeping the rice was not much of a challenge.

Soon, the rice was piled into small hills.

Xiao Siqian wondered, “Do we have to pack the rice?”

Xiao Mother said, “No need. If we pack it now, we’ll have to unpack it tomorrow, which is troublesome. Just pile the rice up, cover it with waterproof plastic film, and that’s fine. Tomorrow morning, simply open the plastic wax film and spread out the rice to dry.”

Xiao Junxuan also said, “As long as it doesn’t rain at night, the rice won’t get wet. Many people don’t bother to collect the rice and just let it dry in the moonlight. However, during summer, rain is unstable, so most people collect the rice. Don’t get lazy and end up getting the rice wet, or it will be too late to regret. ”

Xiao Siqian, “…” couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, it’s not easy for these rural people, who always have to watch the sky, fearing a sudden rainstorm.

Soon, the family finished covering the rice piles. Xiao Siqian asked again, “Do we need to keep watch overnight?”

Xiao Junxuan waved his hand and said, “No need.”

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