Chapter 1

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One by one, I watched as people filed into the plane. They all seemed to do so with no hesitancy; how were they not terrified of this machine? In just a few short minutes, we would be thousands of feet in the air; no one able to help if the mechanics failed. I doubt even I would be able to survive that. When it came my time to cross the threshold, I knew I couldn't hesitate, Father entrusted me with this mission, and I needed to accomplish it no matter how difficult. Not to mention I could get away from my betrothed for a short time.

The moment I walked in, my claustrophobia started to rise, wolves never did well in enclosed spaces, and I was no exception. Attempting to tune out the screaming child and the bustling of anxious people, I located my seat. At least it was by a window where I could look out and see the land. I would do just about anything to feel my paws digging into the soft dirt as I made my way across the farms and deserts. I already missed home.

Attempting to steady myself, I took deep breaths as the plane began to move. The women were giving directions, but I couldn't focus on that now. I needed to center myself before my wolf decided to show itself. Sight. Humans cramped into rows of three, all watching the women. Touch. I could feel the hard seat beneath me, the slight breeze coming from above, and the light from the window. Smell. Humans, lots of them, maybe a wolf or two mixed in, the circulating air pumped with chemicals made it challenging to distinguish. Hearing. The crying of a hungry child, the whispers of a lover, the soft snores of a frequent flyer. Taste. The slight tinge of wolfsbane from the pill my father gave me before boarding the plane. I found myself centered with another deep breath, the drug finally kicking in to mellow me out and reduce the anxiety of flying. I had been insistent I didn't need the pill, but I was thankful now that my father forced me to take it.

Infiltration would be easy. I already had a cover that would get me onto the pack lands; finding my target would be the tricky part. Once we were at cruising altitude, I took out my supplies and studied the enemy's territory. We had no idea if he was even kept in the pack. There were also mentions of a witch working with him. A source informed us they are human-lovers, letting them on their territory and treating them as equals. That's why I was the best to go. I could hide my scent a pretend to be human.

By the time the plane had landed, I had gone over the plan a dozen times and knew that I could do this, despite what some in my pack believed. Grabbing my luggage, I made my way to the pickup area and put on a fake smile. There was the family I would be staying with. They looked like someone cut them out of a magazine for the U.S. They all had smiling faces and bright blond hair, their clothes without a wrinkle or a stain. Walking up to the family, the mother spotted me first, "Alejandra?"

I nodded my head, maintaining an excited smile, "It's so nice to meet you finally!" She engulfed me in a hug and let out a squeal I wasn't aware humans could make. She introduced me to her husband, Gerold, and their daughter, Lindsey, when she pulled away. Lindsey was the first step in my plan. I needed her help.

"Nice to meet you." I gave her a friendly smile.

She glanced up from her phone, "Uh-huh," and turned towards the exit.

Perhaps this first step would be more challenging than I initially thought. Both of her parents looked exhausted and disappointed in her. Her mom didn't miss a beat trying to keep things lively, "Well, let's get going. The house is about an hour from here."

The family was very inquisitive on the way back, and I did my best to answer their questions. I told them exactly what I had practiced. I was from a poor family in Mexico, always striving to better myself when I won the opportunity of a lifetime to study in the States. My family was overjoyed and couldn't wait for me to be able to pursue a better education than I could ever receive there. My father had told me the more I could say good things about their country, the more they would like me, so I attempted to without being too over the top. The parents loved how much I loved their country. On the other hand, Lindsey kept giving me odd looks as if I were crazy for praising her country so much.

When the house came into view, I became speechless, never had I seen a house this large, there were at least five or six bedrooms, and I was informed there was a hot tub and pool in the backyard if I ever needed to cool down along with a gorgeous view of the city.

The house tour took longer than I wanted it to, and I was ready to lay myself down for bed. But first, I had to check in with my father. Opening up my suitcase, I pulled out the small phone and called him, "Buenos tardes mi luna pequeña" I smiled at the comfort of his voice. Being so far away from home made me feel isolated. Wolves aren't ever meant to be alone.

"Buenos tardes Padre."

"How are things?" He asked.

"It is so different here padre, how they act, how they dress, everything."

"Yes, humans are strange. When will you begin your search?"

"Tomorrow morning. The girl will be harder to manipulate than we thought, but I will not fail you." I needed to keep him updated but not worried.

"Very good mi luna pequena, if you have any issues, Raul will come." I grimaced at that reminder; Raul was no better than humans. He was a filthy-minded wolf with no respect for me, and he's my future husband. These few weeks were my last stretch of freedom before the mating ceremony. But my father chose him for me, and there were not many purebloods left, he might disgust me, but our mating was necessary to my pack's survival.

"I will let you know if I encounter any problems and report daily."

"Buenos noches hija."

"Buenos noches padre."


This is a story I started back in high school and I am in the process of editing. 

Once again I would recommend reading Auras first but this can be a stand alone novel. 

Please vote and comment to let me know you enjoyed what you read!

*edited 5/6/2022

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