Chapter 18

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(Alpha Brendon's POV)

Leaving her alone in that room was incredibly difficult for me. So much had happened to her in the past 24 hours I wasn't sure how she was holding it together so well. Still, I knew that she needed some time to herself to think everything over.

I decided to go on a walk but stayed close enough in case she needed me; it was also an excellent time to think over my own problems. Declaring war on one of the strongest packs in the western hemisphere may not have been the smartest move, but I couldn't allow them to hurt her anymore.

When I heard that my father was supposed to meet with hers, I dug into why. I learned that the meeting was revolved around me, and I felt I knew why. The fact that she was sent here to talk to me concerned me. Did she know my secret? I doubted it. If she did, her whole pack would be here, not just her.

Brendon! I heard her mind link me, I was confused as to how that was possible, but I ran. There was so much fear in her voice. Running into the infirmary, what I saw made my blood run cold. Raul was on top of her, and her pants were in shreds on the ground. His hands were dangerously close to hurting her in a way she wouldn't recover from. I lost control at this sight.

I must have caught him by surprise because I was able to throw him off and tackle him to the ground easily. I was on the verge of shifting, "You will die for that." I snarled at him.

"Come on, pup, let's see what you're capable of." He smirked up at me, not the least bit afraid. If I lost control here, they won. They would know everything. Alejandra would be in even more danger than she was now. They would surely use her against me. Running forward, I grabbed his head and slammed it into the floor over and over until I knew he was unconscious. When he was on the brink of death, I somehow forced myself away.

David, get in here now! Within moments my brother came running in, stopping when he observed Raul bloody on the floor.

"What happened?"

"He tried-" I heard my voice breaking as I walked over to Alejandra and examined her body for physical harm. I could tell that Raul hadn't completed what he was trying to do. If he had, the mate bond would have completely shattered. He would have finished the spell.

"I'll take him to the dungeons," David said coldly, his voice filled with anger. I nodded without looking at him; I couldn't let him see me in this state. In reality, I should be locked up, too; if I lost control again, it would be the end of this pack.

I saw the bruises starting to form on her neck and tensed. I should have killed him. Grabbing a blanket, I put it over her, hoping to make her comfortable. Sliding a bed next to her, I laid down. I made sure not to connect them all the way. I didn't want her to wake up in someone's arms terrified it would be Raul.

I tried to make myself comfortable, took some deep breaths, and attempted to sleep next to my mate. 


Wooh! So yeah you guys got another POV from the Alpha :)

So what secrets do you think he is hiding huuuuuuuuh?

Any who same as always please vote and comment, it is so much appreciated :)

Oh and I am in Victoria Canada having a blast! to all you Canadians I love this place!!!!

Till next time :D 

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