Chapter 7

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Monday morning rolled around, and I rolled out of bed. I hated mornings; I preferred night when the moon called my name, and I could run for hours beneath its light. Just thinking about it made me want to shift and take off. It was hard not being able to be in my wolf form here.

Sighing at the thought of school, I made my way to the bathroom to shower. When I was clean, I threw on some clothes and some light make-up Lindsey had given me the night before. She said it was normal for girls to wear it to school here.

By the time I made my way down the stairs, Lindsey was also ready to go. She glanced at my outfit and nodded approvingly. I felt that if I didn't live up to her expectations, she would have left me there.

The ride to school was absolutely horrifying. We got stuck in traffic, Lindsey had the music blaring in my ears, and the cars wouldn't stop honking at one another. I felt claustrophobic by the time we got to the school. I hated cars because of how constricting they were, I would have preferred to run here, but that would not have gone well.

"I'll walk you to your first class but don't expect me to show you around all day." I nodded at her. To be honest, I hadn't even expected her to show me to my first class. She must have wanted to repay me for last night.

Walking into the first classroom, I made my way to the back, not wanting to be put on display. I figured being in the back of the class would help with that. When the bell rang, I jumped out of my seat, looking for where the noise had come from. Students began flooding the room. I quickly sat back down, pulling out a pen and piece of paper from my bag.

"Good morning, students, and welcome to a bright new year at Riverside High. Most of you know me already, but I'm Mr. Sigerson. We have a new student here, and I would like you to make her feel welcome." He looked at me with a smile, "this is Alejandra." I smiled and said hello. Some kids turned to look at me, but most were too entranced with their phones to care about the new girl, and I was okay if it stayed that way. The teacher then moved on to tell us all about what senior year entitled. At that point, I tuned out and paid attention to who was in the class.

I smelt a few wolves, but it took some effort to distinguish them because of the mix of human, wolf, and something else I couldn't recognize. I finally figured out how many and who were wolves when the bell rang and scared me again. In this class alone, there were three males and a female wolf. If all my classes were going to have this many, it must be a large pack than we thought.

My next class was English, and I groaned internally. I could speak English, okay but when it came to writing it I was horrible; my reading skills weren't too great either. This class was going to be impossible for me.

I made my way to the back again as students filed in around me. The last two people to walk in were David and John. I avoided eye contact. After he saw my mark, I was sure he would be convinced I was a wolf. My smell must have confused him, though.

To my discomfort, David sat on one side of me and John on the other. Before the bell rang again, David whispered, "We need to talk, Alejandra."

"About what?" I whispered back

"About how you can hear me despite the fact I am talking low enough for only a wolf to hear. And about the mark on your shoulder." I could have slapped myself when I realized he was right. He was talking extraordinarily soft, and I was just so used to using my hearing I didn't notice how quiet he was.

"I don't know what you are talking about, David." The bell rang, and the teacher began talking, saving me from having to le to David any longer. Maybe if I just played dumb long enough, he would give up.

A few minutes later, a note landed on my desk from David. My curiosity got the best of me, and I turned it over.

"Was the mark forced on you?"

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