Chapter 19

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Sitting in the middle of candles, I was confused. Why did Papi bring me here? The lady with the candles was scaring me, I was alone with her, and she was speaking a funny language.

I sat patiently like Papi told me to; he said I was sick and that this lady would make me feel better. She kept talking and moving things around, but I was too nervous to speak to her. She was really scary.

The room started to smell funny with the things she was waving around. It made me want to throw up. Everything around me began to spin, and I realized Papi must be right. I am sick. Everything started to hurt. I curled up, trying to make it go away. The lady approached me with a rope, and I tried to move away. The pain wouldn't let me, though.

Why would Papi bring me here? She tied my hands together and shoved something soft in my mouth. The woman pulled out two long strings wrapped around one another. When she started pulling them apart, I let out a muffled scream. My body was on fire. This was hurting so bad. I needed Papi to come help me. The more she tried to untangle them, the more pain I was in. When she got to the end, there was a knot that she couldn't untie. A small part of me was happy, but most of me was just scared she would keep trying till they were separate.

The door opened, and my Papi walked in; he would save me from this crazy lady.

"Is it done?"

"What I can do is done. A warning, though, the bond can be repaired. To make it permanent, she has to mate with someone else before she mates with him. If she mates him first, the spell will be reversed, and no magic will be able to separate them." She explained.

My Papi turned towards me with a grim expression, "Make her forget this happened. I don't want her knowing what we took from her."

The lady came over to me and touched my forehead, mumbling words I couldn't understand. Her eyes turned black. "Let's see the goddess win this now." Her words swam around in my head.

I sat up quickly, gasping for air. Was that a dream? It felt so real. Touching my face, I realized it was wet with tears.

"Alejandra, are you okay?" I looked over to see Brendon on the bed next to me. The beds were very close, and he seemed worried about me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." I was still trying to calm my body down. Whatever that dream was, my body seemed to think it was real. Then the smell hit me. Blood. It was Raul's blood. "Why does the room smell like Raul?"

His eyes turned darker, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was in here, Raul came in, we were arguing, and then...." I stopped talking. I was terrified of what could have happened while I was sleeping.

"No me digas." Brendon came and sat next to me, stopping himself from holding me.

"I stopped him before he.... before he touched you anymore."

"Yo se, if you would not have the.... Connection with you would be gone." I think I was more talking to myself at this point than to Brendon. I think I was starting to accept my dream was real. Why else would Raul be pressured to have sex with me so suddenly? He had always been a creep, but he had never done anything like this before. He must have wanted to sever whatever connection Brendon and I shared.

"He's in the dungeon. He won't ever hurt you again." I was pulled into his tight embrace. It felt safe despite the pain that it caused me. At this moment, though, the pain was worth it.

"I think you were right. I think my Padre asked a witch to try and break the mating bond. Raul was trying to make the spell final when you walked in." I felt him tense and bury his face in my hair, breathing in my scent to calm him.

"I declared war on your father," His voice was getting tenser, "I need to know if you want to go back to Mexico or stay here." Could I leave my father? Could I escape Raul?Sitting in the middle of candles I was confused, why did papi bring me here? The lady with the candles was scaring me, I was alone with her and she was speaking a funny language.

I sat patiently like papi told me to, he said I was sick and that this lady was going to make me feel better. She kept talking and moving things around but I was too nervous to talk to her. She was really scary.

The room started to smell funny with the things she was waving around, it made me want to throw up. Everything around me started spinning and I realize papi must be right. I am sick. Everything started to hurt, I curled up trying to make it go away. The lady approached me with rope and I tried to move away. The pain wouldn't let me though.

She tied my hands together and shoved something soft in my mouth. Why would papi bring me here? She pulled out two long strings which were wrapped around one another. The moment she started pulling them apart I let out a muffled scream. By body was on fire. This was hurting so bad. I needed papi to come help me. The more she tried to untangle them the more pain I was in. When she got to the end there was a knot that she couldn't untie. A small part of me was happy but most of me was just scared she would keep trying till they were separate.

The door opened and my papi walked in, he was going to save me from this crazy lady.

"Is it done?"

"What I can do is done. A warning though, the bond can be repaired. To make it permanent she has to mate with someone else before she mates him. If she mates him first the spell will be reversed and no magic will be able to separate them." She explained.

My papi turned towards me with a grim expression, "Make her forget this happened. I don't want her knowing what we took from her."

The lady come over to me and touched my forehead mumbling words I couldn't understand. My vision went black as I started to fall asleep, her eyes turned black "Let's see the goddess win this now." Her words swam around in my head.

I sat up quickly, gasping for air. Was that a dream? It felt so real. Touching my face I realized it was wet with tears.

"Alejandra are you okay?" I looked over to see Brendon on the bed next to me. The beds were very close and he seemed worried about me. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." I was still trying to calm my body down. Whatever that dream was my body seemed to think it was real. Then the smell hit me. Blood. It was Raul's blood. "Why does the room smell like Raul?"

His eyes turned darker, "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was in here, Raul came in, we were arguing and then...." I stopped talking, I was terrified of what could have happened while I was sleeping.

Brendon came and sat next to me, stopping himself from holding me. "No me digas."

"I stopped him before he.... before he touched you anymore."

"Yo se, if you would not have the.... Connection with you would be gone." I think I was more talking to myself at this point than to Brendon. I think I was starting to accept my dream was real. Why else would Raul be pressured to have sex with me so suddenly. He wanted to severe whatever connection Brendon and I share.

"He's in the dungeon. He won't ever hurt you again." I was pulled into his tight embrace. It felt safe despite the pain that it caused me. At this moment though the pain was worth it.

"I think you were right. I think my padre asked a witch to try and break the mating bond. Raul was trying to make the spell final when you walked in." I felt him tense and bury his face in my hair, breathing in my scent to calm him.

"I declared war on you father," His voice was getting more tense, "I need to know if you want to go back to Mexico or stay here." Could I leave my father? Could I escape Raul?

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