Chapter 30

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During the day, Brendon planned a surprise dinner in the city. The car took us to a little diner where we could sit, talk and finally get a chance to get to know one another. "So, when was the first time you shifted?"

A smirk spread across his face, "I was six years old the first time," watching his eyes, I could tell he was going into the past. "I was getting scolded for doing something by my father, and I remember thinking that I wished that I was a bird so that I could fly away. My father was a scary man when he wanted to be. The next thing I knew, I had wings. I had shifted into a dove. I was so terrified all that I could do was fly around the house while my father tried chasing me." He laughed at the memories he was revisiting, "I was so terrified I was a bird that I couldn't shift back until my mom came home and calmed us both down."

"Was your mother a shifter?"

He was silent for a few moments. It must be so hard to freely talk about it after hiding it for all these years, "Yes, and just like me, she had to hide that she was. My family is the last line of shifters. The rest were all hunted down and killed." Grabbing his hand, I squeezed it trying to give him reassurance. At the same time, my heart was sad; I was fully prepared to kill the shifter without a second thought.

"Why is your brother not a shifter?"

"Only the oldest can inherit being a shifter. So our first child will be one." Un perrito, was I ready for that? Would I ever be prepared for that? I wasn't even sure how a mother should act; I didn't have one for many years.

"You know there is no hurry for that, though, right? Whenever you are ready, plus trying for one in the middle of war probably is not the best idea." His smile made me happy and reassured me that he would wait as long as I needed him to.

"So tell me about you and your family." He encouraged.

"Well, my mother died when I was very young; rouges killed her. I don't remember much about her. Every night she sang me to sleep. Her voice always made me feel safe. My father tried filling her place, but he was always being pulled in too many directions by being alpha."

Brendon moved to sit next to me in my booth, "I'm sorry, babe." I leaned against him, trying to take comfort in him, his smell, his touch. He was the one that I was destined for. He would never hurt me, right?

"So, when was the first time you shifted?"

"I was ten. One of the girls in my pack was being bullied by some warriors. I went over there trying to defend her, and I guess I got so angry that I activated my shift early."

He looked at me with apologetic eyes, "you shifted at ten? That's unheard of. The youngest to shift in my pack has been sixteen."

"My pack was amazed at first, too, but not enough to not punish me." I meant it as a murmur that he wasn't supposed to hear.

"What do you mean?"

"My pack follows the old traditions. I shouldn't have spoken against the male warriors without first consulting my father." Looking away, I did not want to see his eyes, the eyes that said my pack was right for what they did to me. That as a woman, I should not have spoken out of turn.

"What did they do?"

"They strapped me down in my wolf form and beat the girl while I watched, then beat me until I shifted back." I knew the tears were lining my eyes, but I could not help it. "At that point, my father stopped them and took me home. He told me I deserved it and couldn't step out of place. As the alpha's daughter, I was meant to be an example to the pack."

"Shh, babe, I love you. It's okay. It's over now. You will never have to go back there." I'm not sure how long he held me, but it was not long enough. I felt safe in his arms, and I didn't want to leave them.

When we arrived back at the pack house, everyone was in the kitchen, all with a somber expressions.

"What happened?"

"This was found on the kitchen counter when I walked in," David handed his brother the envelope. As Brendon read the letter, I could feel the anger radiating off him. There were pictures in the envelope as well that he was looking through.

"What does it say?"

Brendon's eyes looked at me with pure hatred, "You killed her!"


"Brendon, calm down." David placed a hand on his arm, trying to provide comfort; it wasn't working.

"You fucking killed her!" Brendon threw down the pictures on the counter, allowing me to look at them.

I was frozen. What do I even say to Brendon? I'm sorry would never fix this. I did the only thing I could think of and ran out the back door with Brendon hot on my heels. Even when I shifted, I knew that it would not be long till he could catch up to me. He hated me, and there was nothing I could do to fix that.

Searching in my mind, I found a picture of the only friend I had made here, Aurora. Can you hear me?

Yes, what is wrong, Alejandra?

I need your help; I did something, something very evil. Brendon is going to kill me.

Within seconds I felt the air in front of me start to change, bringing me to an abrupt halt. Aurora stood tall and mighty in a bathrobe with her hair in curlers. If this had been any other night, it would have looked amusing.

Aurora looked back behind me and saw Brendon running after me in the form of a cheetah. I heard her mumble a few words and saw him hit an invisible barrier.

"Alejandra, why is Brendon trying to kill you?"

My head bowed in shame because I killed his mother.

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