Chapter 20

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Brendon tried to give me some time to think about whether or not I wanted to stay here or go back to my pack. He told me to wait in the infirmary, and he would go get some dinner for us. Once I was alone, though, I realized how much I didn't want to be alone. I had been stuck in this form for too long. I decided that I needed to shift.

When I didn't hear his footsteps anymore, I opened the window. Luckily, we were on the first story, so leaving wouldn't be too hard. Cautiously I made my way to the forest; I didn't want to be caught until I had time to enjoy being in my wolf form. Glancing around, I made sure no one was looking before stripping out of my clothes and shifting into my wolf. I instantly felt my body relax as my wolf took over. I took off as fast as possible, needing to feel the wind against my fur. I chased any small animal that I saw, not hurting them but enjoying the chase. Life was more straightforward as a wolf, less complicated.

I smelt another wolf in the area; instantly, I knew it was Brendon. I knew he would come looking for me when he didn't find me in the infirmary. I was just hoping he wouldn't be mad at me. Crouching behind some bushes, I looked for him. Whenever I got close to where his scent was strongest, I couldn't find him. I must have walked in circles a dozen times before huffing and plopping myself on the ground.

I let out a whine letting him know my disappointment, and not a moment later, he pounced. We tussled and wrestled around for a few minutes before I took off running. He stayed hot on my heels, occasionally nipping at my leg to let me know he was catching up to me.

I had had such a good time that I hadn't noticed the pain in my stomach until I was hacking, no longer able to run. Brendon nuzzled against me, whining. I knew he wanted me to shift, but my clothes were at the other end of the forest. I wasn't ready to be naked in front of him. He must have realized why I wouldn't change back because he took off.

While he was gone, the pain dissolved, my stomach settled, and I could lay comfortably. It wasn't much longer before he came back with my clothes in his hands. He had shifted back and was thankfully fully dressed as well.

He ran his hands through my fur, causing a purr to radiate through me. His touch was worth the pain. "I'm sorry. I'll wait over there." When he walked away, I shifted back and slipped on my clothes. I was still dizzy, but I would be fine.

"You can come back now, Brendon."

He walked back with a worried expression, "How are you feeling?"

"I am okay. A little dizzy but I will be fine."

"Why did you leave?" He looked a little hurt at my actions.

"I'm sorry. I haven't been able to shift since I came to California, I needed to get out of this skin."

He nodded with understanding, "Next time, just let me know. I was worried that someone had taken you."

I felt terrible that I had caused him to worry. I should have thought about that before taking off, especially after what just happened with Raul.

"Come on, let's go on a walk." He tucked his hands into his jeans, probably to prevent himself from touching me. I walked closely behind him.

"David told me that you didn't think mates were real. Do you still think that?"

I was silent as I tried to get my thoughts together, "I'm not sure. It is weird, but I feel the want to be around you."

He smiled slightly at my words, "I wish you could experience the bond the way I do. It isn't painful but the most peaceful and pleasurable thing you will ever feel."

I smiled slightly, "That sounds really nice."

"Have you thought about whether or not you want to stay here?"

"Yes." He stopped walking to look at me. We were getting closer to the pack house, and I'm sure he wanted this to be a more private conversation.

"What do you want?" I could tell he was hesitant to ask. I'm sure he would have rather forced me to stay here with him, but I respected and was thankful that he was giving me a choice; it wasn't something I was used to having.

"I have always been told that my purpose is to continue my bloodline. I do not know if I can give up my beliefs that easily." His eyes turned dark, and he turned to walk away.

"Brendon, wait!"

"Why? So that you can finish ripping out my heart Alejandra? You may not believe in the mating bond, but it's real, and breaking it is painful. So I need to walk away before I do something I will regret." He was looking me up and down. This was the first time that I felt like prey in his eyes.

"I said it would not be easy. But I did not say I would not stay."

It took him a moment to process my words, but his features softened once he did. "I'm sorry, I have problems controlling my emotions. Especially my anger."

I took a step closer to him, I wouldn't touch him because of the pain, but I knew my presence made him feel better. "Thank you for giving me a choice."

He whispered softly, "So you will stay." He needed confirmation that this is what I wanted.

I pushed my fear away for the moment, "I cannot marry Raul."

He had a large smile; it was evident how happy it just made him that I would stay. I couldn't understand how he wasn't terrified of my father and my pack.

We walked back into the pack house, and I allowed him to lead me up a staircase into a clean-looking bedroom. He gently tugged on my sleeve, pulling me to sit on the bed with him.

Brendon spoke softly to me, "When you are ready, there is a way for me to weaken the spell. You will probably feel weaker than normal, but it would sever your connection with Raul."

"How?" If I could separate myself from Raul, I wanted to do it. I didn't want anything else to do with him. I hoped that my father would understand my betrayal.

Brendon shifted his gaze to the floor, "I would have to claim you. To replace Raul's mark with my own."

"Is that possible?" I had never heard of someone being marked twice.

He nodded slightly, "The only time a Mark can be overridden is if it wasn't given consensually. It would be painful and maybe even drain your energy for a few days because your body would be fighting against dark magic." He touched my hand softly, "But there is no going back if you choose this, so you should take a few days to think it over."

I sat there contemplating what he was telling me. If I allowed him to mark me, I would never be allowed to return home. I would stay here with him. But if I didn't accept him as my mate, I would have to go back to Mexico and marry Raul. I was sure I would be punished for everything that had happened. Raul made me feel scared, constricted, and like property. Brendon made me feel safe, and cared for. He was giving me choices when I thought my life had been decided for me.

I looked up at Brendon meeting his eyes with steadfast determination. "Do it."

He looked shocked, "I didn't mean you had to choose right now."

I shook my head, "just do it." I did not want something to go wrong and for me to change my mind. I didn't want Raul to escape and find me. "I don't want to be his any longer."

He cradled my face in his hands, "This will hurt, and I'm sorry." He pushed my hair out of the way and kissed my neck gently. Shivers went down my spine in pleasure and pain. I felt his teeth enter my neck and horrendous pain radiating through my body. He held me still to keep me from thrashing as Raul's mark burned away from my skin and was replaced by his.

I held onto consciousness for as long as I could before realizing it would be easier to sleep and let my body heal. As I fell asleep, I felt a pair of soft lips on my forehead and waves of pleasure rolling through my body. Soft words whispered goodnight as I was tucked into bed. 

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