Chapter 25

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Hearing the door open, my ears perked up. I knew it was Brendon because of the smell. This was the first time he had actually come and seen me in a few days. I knew that was because I was in heat, but it still hurt he left me to deal with it on my own. He had some of the other female wolves bring me my food, but he had not come to me since he left that morning. He was slow with his actions, probably because I had growled at one of the girls who had brought me food, I was still in heat, and I was frustrated that it had not been Brendon.

"Alejandra, I am sorry. Please, believe me, I didn't want to leave you. But if I stayed any longer, I would have done something that you would have hated me for. You weren't ready to be fully mated to me." He ran his hand through my fur. It felt nice. Brendon did not realize that I was more upset with my behavior than his. I should have been able to control myself better than that. He should not have had to leave me alone.

Please talk to me, baby. I could hear the desperation in his voice. He thought that I was mad at him.

Looking up, I met his eyes. Thank you. It was barely a whisper to him, but his eyes said that he understood. He walked towards the bathroom and started running a bath. He poked his head back into the room, "As much as I love seeing your wolf, you really need to wash up. You kind of smell, well, like an animal," he teased.

Rising onto my paws, I followed him to the bathroom. Bending over, he placed a kiss between my eyes, "I will be downstairs when you are done."

After he closed the door, I shifted back into my human form and lowered myself into his claw foot tub. It felt wonderful to relax and soak after the last few days.

Following the voices, I made my way to the kitchen, where Brendon and a few guys were laughing and joking around. When I walked in, a few of them grew quiet. Brendon, is everything okay? He smiled at me. Now that you are here, everything is perfect.

I looked at the guys who still would not meet me in the eyes. What is wrong with them, then?

He smirked as if he had just now noticed that they were looking away from me. When you went into heat, it was more than just me who was affected. Apparently, a pureblood has quite a strong smell.

He laughed when I turned red. Trying to change the subject, I turned to Luke, "So what is there to eat?"

"Anything you want," his voice was so quiet. If I was not a wolf, I wouldn't have heard him. Great, he wouldn't look at me either. "What I want is for all of you to stop tucking your tail between your legs when I am in the room, or did Brendon, threaten to cut off sus carajos."

I heard Brendon stifle a laugh as the guys looked at me with astonishment. "I'm going on a run. Care to join me, Brendon?"

"Absolutely! Do you want to eat first, though?"

"No. I will hunt for my food." I walked out the door, not waiting for him. I wasn't sure how long I was running, but I knew Brendon was behind me. He was letting me get my pent-up energy out; I was thankful for that. I wasn't angry at anyone, but why did they have to make it more awkward than it needed to be.

While running, I came across a familiar scent, which was odd because the smell was from home. My father's pack wasn't supposed to be here for several weeks. I recognized the scent and tried to alert Brendon.

Brendon! Watch out!

It was too late; Raul's brother had already pounced on him. I knew that Brendon didn't stand a chance against a pureblood, especially not this one. Brendon was quickly knocked to the ground; I was surprised when he could get back up. Pablo was the strongest wolf in Raul's pack. I went to attack Pablo but was quickly stopped when Raul jumped in front of me. I shrank back from Raul, remembering all the times he had hurt me. I couldn't beat him.

David bring help. Brendon is hurt!

Sending that message distracted me just long enough for Raul to charge at me. My back slammed against a tree. I heard something snap, and I prayed that it was the tree. Rising onto my feet, I quickly realized that prayer wasn't answered. I hit the ground once again. I couldn't get up. Panting, I glared at Raul. Even though he was in his wolf form, I knew he was smirking. He had won. I couldn't defeat him; I was too weak. Memories of all the times Raul had hurt me flashed through my memory, and my body began shaking. Hoping to feel any sort of comfort, I looked toward Brendon. He was bleeding, putting more weight on one paw than the other. He wasn't going to last much longer either.

I sent a prayer up to the moon goddess for her to help us, and allow David and the others to get here quickly before Pablo finished Brendon off. Hearing an unnatural sound, Raul and I turned to look at its source. Brendon was shifting. Why would he change back into his human form? He is weaker that way! I watched with fascination as his bones cracked and grew; that's not what it should have looked like to turn back into a human.

In front of my very eyes, my mate changed into something that shouldn't have been possible. Standing in front of Pablo was a ten-foot-tall dragon. It swiped and hit Pablo, causing him to fly and crash into Raul. They both whined and sprinted away. The dragon then began to walk toward me. It must have seen the fear in my eyes because it came to a halt. I saw it change back into my mate with the same painful process. Brendon came over to me and inspected my wounds, "please don't be scared, babe, it's me."

I saw some of the pack members running towards us from behind him, "take her back to the packhouse, have the doctor look at her." One of the wolves dropped a blanket next to me to cover up with.

Trying to change from one form to another when something could be broken is excruciating; it took me much longer to change forms than it should have. When I was done, Brendon draped the blanket around me and placed me on one of the black wolves that I assumed was David.

"Take care of her." Brendon changed into his wolf and ran in the opposite direction. I wanted to cry out to him, ask him to come back and not leave me, but I knew he needed space. Being completely honest, I needed time to digest the fact that my mate was the one that I had come here to ask about. My mate was the target that I was initially supposed to find and report back to my father so that they could eliminate him.

My mate was a shifter.

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