Chapter 23

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Going down the stairs, I found David and the three boys I had met at the mall, John, Luke, and Raphael. "Good morning, Alejandra. How did you sleep?" David asked with a chirpy attitude.

"Fine, thank you." Glancing at the others, I expected them to be looking at me with dislike or even just ignore me for lying to them and being deceitful. To my surprise, they were staring at me with amazement, "So is it true you really are a pureblood?"

Glancing at John, I nodded, "How were you able to hide your scent from us so well?" That question was from Luke.

"All purebloods can." It was uncomfortable explaining this to people who were not a part of my pack. Of course, this could be my pack if I wanted it to be, couldn't it?

"Do you have any food in this kitchen, or do I need to go hunt una javelina?" They exchanged confused looks, "We have food, but what is a javelono?" Raphael seemed the only one brave enough to ask.

"Una javelina. " I corrected him, "and it is- oh, what do you call it in ingles. Es un large pig with fur and horns from the mouth." I hope they understood.

"Oh, like a warthog. Anyway, what would you like Luna?" Luke asked.


"I would like anything you have."

"Luke is the cook when the cook is out of the pack house. His omelets are killer, much better than any warthog you will ever eat." John chimed in. Taking a seat at the bar with the boys helped calm my nerves. I watched them as David threw Raphael in a headlock. They all laughed and joked around. It was so different from my own pack. Everyone there was much more serious, but I was never allowed to hang out with those my own age, so maybe they were a lot more like this than I realized in my own pack.

Thinking of my own pack made me sad; I could still feel them all there in the back of my head; my ties were weak with the distance and because I was marked, again. Curious, I closed my eyes and strummed the string attaching all of us. I was searching for one in particular. I wanted to know what they had done with Raul. He had not officially been a part of my pack yet, but I wasn't sure if the fact that he had marked me first put a permanent bond between us. I was relieved and disappointed to find that I had no stable connection with Raul anymore.

Then I searched my mind to find my newest tie. Brendon. The moment I thought of him, I was able to find our connection. It was stronger than Raul and mine ever were, which made me happy. It must be this mate thing, every day, I was surprised by what having a mate changed.

Brendon, can you hear me?

I had to wait a few moments before I heard a response from him. Good morning babe . I could practically hear the smile in his voice. Did you sleep okay?

Yes, I did. Where are you?

I am doing border patrol with the new recruits. I'll be back in less than an hour. I have to go, be safe.

The communication cut off after that. It confused me that I felt sad that I could not speak to him any longer.

"Hello, Alejandra. You still in there?" I felt someone pocking my forehead; how long were they trying to get my attention?

Without opening my eyes, I reached up and grabbed the person's hand who was poking me and threw them onto the floor. It may have seemed over the top, but in my pack, you had to prove dominance, or they would walk all over you.

I quickly noticed Raphael on the floor, blinking, surprised with what just happened, "See if I ever tell you food is done again." He laughed as I offered him a hand, "I'm just glad our Luna has some strength to her."

Glancing around, I noticed their praise toward me. Earning their respect wouldn't be challenging, but did I want to stay with the pack? Was this where I was supposed to be? With these ordinary wolves, shouldn't I be with my own kind?

I began doubting my situation as I ate the omelet that Luke cooked for me. They were right; it tasted amazing. I was just about to decide to leave when a heavenly scent filled my senses. Arms wrapped around me, and automatically I leaned back against them. Would I miss this if I left? Peering up and glancing into his eyes, I knew that I would.

Maybe this is where I am meant to be. Enjoying the sensation of just being in Brendon's arms, I decided that I could stay for a few days, just to see how real this mate bond was. Glancing around those in the kitchen, I began to believe that I could be happy here.

Just as I finished that thought, I felt Brendon stiffen behind me and saw a concerned look on all of the boys' faces. "Brendon, what is going on?"

"Raul escaped." He whispered in my ear.

Fear ran through me, and I spoke stiffly, " you probably did not have good enough cells to hold him."

Brendon held me tighter, "Alejandra, that is not everything. Your father gave us one month to return you to Raul, or he and his pack were coming up to drag you back home."

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