Chapter 22

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As I drifted back to consciousness, I was confused by the sparks I felt traveling up and down my arm. The smell around me was intoxicating. It made me want to get even closer to the person whose arms were wrapped around me. When my vision came back, I saw Brendon holding me. He was breathing lightly and looked peaceful. I quickly noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I felt myself grow hot. I wanted to reach out and touch him. What was going on?

"Good morning Alejandra." He purred in my ear. His voice was husky first thing in the morning.

"Good morning Brendon," I whispered. I didn't trust my voice right now.

He tilted my chin up to look him in the eyes, "How are you feeling?" I wanted so badly just to lean up and kiss him. No, it was more than that. I needed to kiss him. I was too nervous too, though, the only other person I had kissed was Raul, and that wasn't something I had wanted to do.

"Alejandra, are you okay?" He was getting worried I hadn't answered him yet.

"I think so.... What is happening to me?" He sat up and looked at me with concern the moment I asked. He seemed almost frantic; it was cute. After a moment, I saw him relax. Did he know what was wrong with me?

"What do you feel when I touch you, Alejandra?"

"I don't know how to describe it in English," I murmured. I wished my English vocabulary was greater now.

"Does it feel good when I do this?" He ran his hand up my bare arm. I nodded yes. "How about this?" He leaned forward slightly, his lips almost against mine. When I didn't pull away, he lightly kissed me, pulling back before I got the chance to kiss him back. I nodded again, still not trusting my voice.

His smile was filled with excitement and joy, "You're finally feeling the mating bond."

"So," I paused, trying to think, "What else should I feel?" I had allowed him to mark me but I clearly didn't know the full details of what I was getting myself into. I was nervous.

"You'll feel the pull towards me that you are right now. You'll go through heat within the month, and once we have mated, you'll officially be a part of this pack." I stared at him for a moment before soaking in his words.

"Why would I go into heat so soon? I didn't think female wolves went through the heat until they were twenty?

"Females who have not been marked by their mate go into their heat in their twenties. It is a way of amplifying their scent to try and find their mate. But when you're marked, your body goes into heat because it wants you to have pups." He smiled and caressed my face, "but don't worry. I won't make you do anything you aren't ready to do." Why would he wait? Having a Luna gave every alpha more power. Why would he give that up?

A knock on the door pulled me from my confused thoughts. David walked in, "Brendon, we need you for a few minutes." Groaning, Brendon sat up, allowing the sheets to fall from his torso. He wasn't coated in muscles but relatively lean. He was probably extremely fast. After observing his body, my eyes found their way back up to his. He winked at me, letting me know that he had caught me looking at him, and got out of the bed.

"You can come down whenever you're ready or you can stay in bed." I nodded and thanked him. He grabbed a shirt hiding my view and kissed my forehead, and walked towards the door.

Smelling myself, I realized I hadn't showered in a few days and smelled like cow dung. I needed to shower. Entering the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothes and threw them into a hamper. Turning on the shower, I allowed the hot water to relax my muscles and wash off the dirt. Grabbing his soap, I applied a layer of it on myself. His smell was comforting.

After I was sure I got all the dirt out of my hair and body, I walked back into the bedroom with a towel around me. I was thankful Brendon hadn't come back yet. Opening some drawers, I found all of the clothes I had brought from Mexico. Lindsey must have brought them over. I wonder what they told her parents about me.

Slipping on my clothes, I walked out of the room and followed the scent of food.

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