Chapter 28

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Watching everyone gather into the room, I started to become nervous. Was I really prepared to betray my father and my pack like this? Glancing at Brendon, who was the last one to walk in, I had to remember that this was my new pack. I had chosen to mate with Brendon and become a part of this pack. I would not be betraying anyone by sharing this information. He met my eyes before he came to sit beside me. The love shown in them for me just pulled me back into this morning.

"Good morning Alejandra."

"Good morning" I would never get used to his body around mine. Last night was incredible. I could not believe this wolf was who the goddess chose to pair me up with.

"I wish we could lay like this all day," a smile touched his lips, but it was hiding something.

Placing a gentle kiss on his lips, I wanted him to tell me what was wrong, but I did not want him to feel pushed, "then why do we not?"

"becauseIhavecalledtogetherameetingofwar," he said it so rushed I had a hard time following.

"Because what?"

He took a deep breath, "because I called together a war meeting." He mumbled it, but at least this time, I could understand him.

"Brendon," I ran my hands through his hair and made him look at me, "I love you."

He smiled a genuine smile, "I love you too."

"What time is the meeting?"


"then I must go get ready." I pecked his lips as I went to go get out of bed.

Walking to the bathroom, I stumbled once or twice, causing him to laugh. It wasn't my fault that mating left you sore afterward.

"Thank you for joining us. As you know, my pack and I are faced with a war with the purebloods of the south. I have called this meeting together to ask for your help." Witches were sitting beside Aurora and another man I had deemed to be her mate, Darren, as well as six other pack representatives present. Brendon was seated beside me, and I could tell he was just as nervous about this as I was.

"Why are the purebloods even wanting to wage war with you?" One of the men that I did not recognize asked him was he going to tell all these people the reason why?

Brendon took a deep breath, trying to prepare himself. He had informed me that morning that he would tell everyone that he was a shifter but wasn't sure how to do it.

I knew I had to help him, so I spoke up, "Do you know what purebloods fear more than anything?"

I looked around and met everyone's gaze. All of them showed the same thing, cluelessness. They didn't know anything about us except that we are stronger in every way. "We are taught as pups that the common wolf is weak, that in every aspect we are stronger and superior, that we are the closest creature to the goddess herself."

Watching them, I saw the change in their eyes when I referred to myself as a pureblood. Some had fear, some respect, and some of their eyes grew cold. "So what is the one thing that you think we are taught to hate and fear from the day we are brought into the world?"

One of the witches spoke up, "you fear that there is a creature that could defeat you, one that is closer to the goddess." The others looked at her as if she was crazy. They could not comprehend a creature like that existed; most wolves believed shifters were a myth.

"Yes." I paused to look at Brendon and then to Aurora, "What is the one creature more powerful than a pureblood wolf?"

The silence in the room was deafening. No one wanted to say it because no one wanted to look like a fool in front of the other leaders in the room. "A shifter." It was a mere whisper from Aurora, but the room erupted; some laughed, some mocked, others seemed afraid, and no one believed it. No one but the witches. Maybe there really is something to them other than scraps left from the goddess.

"Silence." The command radiated from Brendon. He never seemed more like an alpha than at that moment, "my mate has told you why, whether or not you believe it is up to you. I am asking for help to protect my people, our kind. Will you help me?"

"Why should we? Once the shifter is gone, the purebloods will retreat. They will go back to where they came from." One of the Betas spoke up.

I could not help it. I started to laugh, and all eyes were on me. I knew I had upset all the wolves in the room, so I stood up to demonstrate something, "You are all fools if you think my father will leave you alone after killing the shifter. I was taught the common wolves were a disgrace. My father would love to see each and every one of you burn. And once the shifter is gone, there will be nothing in his way."

The same Beta eyed me and stood up to meet my level, "oh please, how much stronger can purebloods really be?"

I had not done it in a while, but I called on the alpha blood inside me, "Sientense." He might not have known my language, but the beta being a wolf, would feel the pull of an alpha command. If it was not your alpha, you could fight the power most of the time, but purebloods were stronger, and I was now a luna of my own pack.

The beta sat without hesitation and looked to the ground in submission. "Now, I can command you without being your Luna. Imagine what my father, the Alpha of a pack of purebloods can do?"

"Then there is no hope." I heard someone mumble.

I felt a wicked smile form on my lips, "Oh, there is little hope. But lucky for you all, you have me. Not to mention a shifter on your side." We might have been planning the demise of my old pack, but there were some like Raul that deserved death. I knew I would never be able to kill my father, but Raul, I would have loved to choke the life out of him.

"You never told us who this shifter is," the comment came from Aurora's mate.

There was no way he did not know. If I remember correctly, he is one of the only ones who do know, and now it was Brendon's turn to stand up, "I am the shifter."

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