Chapter 8

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So quick note any italics = mind link/ conversations happening between two or more people telepathically.

Waiting for Raul to arrive was nerve-racking. I hated the guy, to begin with, but I had to get along with him since I would be spending the rest of my life strapped to him. The thought of it made me sad and, quite honestly, not very excited for my future.

Ever since we got home, I've been upstairs staring at my phone, waiting for him to tell me he was here so that I could sneak out and meet him. The fact he didn't give me a time was frustrating to no end. He could be here anytime between now and five hours when the moon was in the sky.

My door opened to reveal a very concerned-looking Lindsey. "Alejandra, a man, is here, and he says that he knows you." He came and knocked on the door! Ugh, that stupid idiot!

At least I am smart enough to block my thoughts, Raul growled inside our mind link. Fear struck through my body. Being away from the pack made me lazy from putting up my mental guards.

"Alejandra?" Lindsey was trying to get my attention.

"Um, okay, let me come see who it is." I tried smiling, but I think Lindsey picked up on something. Maybe she isn't as ignorant as I thought she was. Although she is dating a wolf, perhaps she senses something is wrong with Raul. Every step down the stairs was almost painful. I didn't fear very many things, but wolves like Raul you didn't want to mess with.

I was barely able to persuade my father to let me come here, and I'm sure Raul was still angry about it. He didn't even want me coming to the U.S. in the first place. He felt that the women shouldn't stray far from home.

At the door was Gerold, "Alejandra, the gentleman at the door says that he knows you from Mexico, but if you don't know him or don't want him here, you tell me, and I'll make him leave, okay?"

Nodding, I smiled. I wish there was something this human could do to save me from my fate with Raul. But no one could save me. I had to protect my bloodline, even if that meant marrying him. I opened the door to be greeted with a friendly smile that hid all malicious purposes behind it.

"Raul?" He pulled me into a hug, "How great to see you! What a surprise!" I deserved an award for my acting skills.

"I know. It seems like a lifetime, cousin."

Cousin? I asked him over our mind link.

They will be more welcoming to family than a fiancé, He replied. He wasn't wrong, and it upset me.

I pulled out of his venomous embrace and turned toward my host family, "Lindsey, Gerold, this is my cousin Raul from Mexico." It hurt a little to lie to them. Not because I had grown attached, but because I suspected they were about to invite one of the most powerful werewolves into their home for dinner. And I was right Gerold invited him in and told him to stay for dinner without a second thought. These people were too trusting.

"So, Raul, what brings you into town?" Gerold asked.

"I am actually on a business trip for Alejandra's father and thought I would check-in and see how she is adjusting to life here. It's a much different lifestyle than we are used to."

"Well, how generous of you. I'm sure Alejandra appreciates seeing a familiar face."

Raul turned to face me as Gerold walked towards the kitchen, "I am sure she is thrilled to see me." He smiled coldly at me while giving me an up-down with his eyes. His gaze alone made me feel disgusting and dirty. I wanted to leave, but I knew that this family would suffer if I did. The fact Lindsey is dating the Alpha's brother wouldn't matter to him.

"If you excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I excused myself from the conversation. When I turned, I saw the look on Lindsey's face. She was the way Raul was looking at me.

Rapidemente mi luna. He whispered in my head. I felt shivers run down my back, and my breath quickened.

Lindsey stood up and grabbed my arm, "Oh, Alejandra." "That bathroom is out of toilet paper. You can use mine." She smiled.

We shared a bathroom. I realized she was trying to give me space from Raul. There was no reason for her to give me permission to use her restroom.

"Thank you, would you show me where the extra toilet paper is too?"

"Of course." She guided me up the stairs and into the bathroom. Before speaking, she turned on the bathroom sink, "He isn't your cousin, is he?" Her voice was as quiet as she could make it.

"Why do you think that?" I couldn't fake happy emotions anymore.

"Because a cousin does not give you that lust-filled look unless he is seriously demented in the head." She looked at me sternly and asked, "Is he the one that forcefully marked you?"

"What!?" I half-whispered, half yelled. Did David seriously tell her about werewolves and marking!? What was wrong with him involving a human in our affairs.

"I am not stupid Alejandra. David told me that you have the mark of a lone wolf. That mark is put on a wolf that doesn't want to be marked." What was she talking about? I determined she must be crazy.

"Just at least tell me if he marked you."

What is taking so long, and why has the girl not returned? Raul demanded.

She is having relationship issues. Please can I have just a moment.

Get down here now!

I winced at his tone, "I can't tell you, Lindsey. Now please," I begged desperately, "I have to go back down before he loses his temper."

She turned off the sink, and we walked downstairs to face Raul again, only this time I felt I had a human supporting me, whatever good that would do. I saw her take out her phone and text someone, probably David, to let him know a wolf was in her house. Something he would not take well.

Just as we sat down at the table to doorbell rang, Raul sent out a low growl only I could hear. Someone was at the door he did not want to see, and I suspected that I knew who it was. 

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