Chapter 38

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Still, no pain. Was that a bad sign? Should I not feel anything in death? All I saw was darkness around me and a foul stench in the air. Looking around for clues about where I might be, I saw a young woman walking toward me. She looked dirty and uncared for, but I still felt an odd connection to this woman. As she walked closer to me, I was able to look closely at her and determined that there was no way she was older than fifteen or sixteen. What was this girl doing here?

"Are you okay?"

She smiled at me, "Should it not be I that asks if you are alright?"

I was confused. I wanted to be out of this place. It was so dark and depressing, but at the same time, I could not make myself walk away from the girl standing in front of me, "who are you?" My voice was quiet, but she seemed to have heard me fine.

"Your people refer to me as the moon goddess, I believe."

Stunned, my eyes grew large. This young woman was the one who created my people? With this new information, I didn't hesitate to drop down to my knees and show her the respect that she deserved.

"It is tough for me to meet you like this before you reach your final destination, but I cannot let you continue." Once again, I looked at her with confusion. I didn't understand what she meant.

"You have an important destiny you must fulfill and a mate waiting for you back home." I felt her press something into my hand, and she leaned forward and kissed my forehead, "good luck."

I felt a tug backward and then nothing. It felt like dying all over again.

Waking up, I heard crying and lamentations. I lay on uncomfortable pillows, and the sus rays pounded down on me. Confused and disoriented, I attempted to sit up. Suddenly, there was silence. I saw everyone I knew with their mouths open. They were so shocked to see me. nervously I waved at them, "hola." I am pretty sure one or two fainted when I spoke.

I saw Brendon looking at me with amazement and love in the front. He walked over to me nervously. "Alejandra?" His arms extended out towards me. He grabbed my arms as if testing to see if I was real. "You're alive." It was a whisper of astonishment, and I was wrapped in his embrace the next moment.

Picking me up, he carried me out of my casket and back towards the packhouse, ignoring all the whispers about me coming back to life. Gently he set me down on the bed without saying a word. That's when I remembered that I died, I actually died, and met the moon goddess. Tears began streaming down my face. I wasn't sure why but emotions swirled inside of me.

After an hour of holding one another in silence, Brendon asked if I could explain what had happened.

I nodded, "I only want to explain it once, though, if that's alright."

Brendon nodded and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Of course."

A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

The door opened, and Lindsey was the first one to come and give me a hug. Small silent tears ran down her face. David stood off to the side, smiling at me. I watched Aurora and Darren make their way into the room. He stood behind her, holding her close. Lastly, I saw someone who I never thought would be here. My father cautiously walked in behind them. He looked like he had aged dramatically since I saw him last, there was more silver in his hair than ever before, and his face was sunken. The only other time I had seen him looking so defeated was after my mother died.

"So, how exactly did you come back to life?" Brendon finally asked the question.

My voice was shaky and dry. "I met the moon goddess." My words weren't very confident because I wasn't entirely sure if I did meet her or if it was all just a dream.

Everyone was silent and in awe. They couldn't believe I had actually met her, everyone that is but Aurora and Darren.

"Do you know something?"

She smiled lightly, but it had sadness, "Yes, and I know it was indeed the moon goddess you met, but I can't say more yet. I wish that I could, but I can tell you that this is just the start of your journey with her."

I nodded my head at her, disappointed she could not tell me more, but I understood the limits that we all had. Then my attention went to my father, "por que?"

His eyes were filled with sadness as he began to speak, "Raul was pulling strings in the background from the beginning. I didn't know he could mimic someone's appearance for a short time. When your strings were cut with Brendon, I wasn't the one who did that to you. Raul's father was the one who started this plan. When you hadn't found your mate by now, I had given up hope you would ever find him. Raul also told me how Brendon used a witch to make you believe that you were his mate to learn secrets about us. I trusted him enough to give him my daughter, and all along, he just wanted power."

My head dropped. My father may not have been responsible for the dark magic and the war, but he was never a good father to me. "Por que matar la mama de Brendon?"

(why kill Brendon's mom?)

"tu mama murio porque de Maria. Yo queria venganza."

(your mom died because of Maria. I wanted revenge.)

My face dropped in sorrow. When would this chain of hate ever end?

"I apologize for the sins against your family, and because of my tainted hands, I shall leave your pack and return home. My daughter, I leave to you, in your protection. If you need anything, please ask. It is the least I can do for all the trouble I have caused." My father was addressing Brendon. Still, the offer was extended to everyone. He slowly came over to me and embraced me, "lo siento mi luna pequena." With that, he and his pack were both gone.

After everyone had left, I turned to Brendon, he had not left my side since I came back, and I don't think he will ever. "There is something else about the moon goddess that I didn't tell everyone." I pulled something out of my pocket and handed it to him, "she gave me this, but I am not sure why." It was an emerald ring that looked normal to my eyes.

"there was also a note to find the vampire, Markus."

"Why?" He was just as confused as I was when I saw it.

"I don't know."

We sat there talking and deciding if or how we would go and find this vampire while still running a pack. When we came to a decision, we called in David and Lindsey.

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