Chapter 3

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The next few days were as unproductive as my first. Lindsey spent all day on her phone and David came over a few times. Susan and Gerold were always very nice, trying to ensure that I was comfortable in their home and didn't need anything. Today I decided I needed to get out of the house.

Susan and Gerold were headed into work late today, and I had a plan. I knew Lindsey would hate me for it, but I couldn't stay cooped up. "Susan, do you think you could take me to the city while you are working. I have not had a chance to see it yet and would love to before Monday."

"Well, I don't really want you to be in the city by yourself, darling, but Lindsey will take you today. I'll make sure of it." She looked up at Lindsey's room, knowing she was still sleeping.

"Thank you very much, Susan" I smiled, pretending that seeing the city would mean the world to me. In reality, I just needed to try and figure out where the pack was staying. David had come over a few times, but I couldn't flat out ask him without giving away I was a wolf, and most of the time, he was up in Lindsey's room anyway.

A few hours later, Lindsey came down the stairs dressed and ready to go to town. "You're lucky I was going to town to get stuff for the party, or you would have been going alone chica." I narrowed my eyes at her. Anyone else calling me chica would be fine. But I knew she wasn't saying it in a friendly way. The moment I could, I was going to ditch her. It would be amusing to watch her try and find me worried she would be in trouble.

After we left, it took a good thirty minutes to get into the central part of the city. All of the buildings around us were taller than any I had back home, and it made me miss the trees and animals. It felt like we had been stuck in traffic forever. According to Lindsey, this was a normal part of living in L.A.. I couldn't understand how anyone would want to live in this.

"You have a phone, right?"

I nodded, showing it to her.

She laughed when she opened it, making me wonder what was wrong with my phone. She grabbed it and typed in her number. "I'll call you when I'm ready to leave, be back at the car by then." She walked away without saying anything else. Apparently, ditching her was going to be much easier than I thought.

I realized I had no idea where to start looking for this pack. Supposedly it was reasonably large, but this was also a large city. If I were a group of wolves, where would I hide? I walked into the mall. They would most likely be here if the pack had teenagers, right?

When my head started aching, I realized I smelt someone familiar. David. But he smelled different today. He smelled like trees and dirt; he must have shifted recently. I also noticed that Lindsey wasn't with him. Instead, he was with a group of boys, other wolves from his pack. I hit the jackpot.

Walking up to the group, I pretended to be nervous. I knew the boys were attracted to me; I could smell the lust pouring off them. Sometimes being a woman had its benefits.

"Discúlpame, could you help me?" I said timidly. David turned around and recognized me, "Oh hey Alejandra, what do you need?"

The other boys looked at him with surprise and jealousy, "Care to introduce us, David?" one of the guys asked.

"Oh, sorry, Alejandra, these are my friends, John Luke and Raphael. Guys, this is Alejandra. She's the foreign exchange student living with Lindsey."

The boys smiled at me, "So what are you needing help with?" The one named John asked.

"Well, is a little embarrassing, but I miss home. My home has many trees, but all I see here is tall buildings. Do you know a place I could go with more nature?"

The boys looked at one another, "Well, David's brother owns a wildlife preservation on the outskirts of the city. We would have to ask, but I'm sure he would be fine with a pretty girl like you going to visit." He winked at me, and I pretended to be shy about him calling me pretty.

I glanced up at David, "Would your brother be okay if I just went there for a small time." He looked hesitant. "I just miss home." I sounded as desperate as possible.

He contemplated for a moment, "Yeah, my friends here can take you there now if you want. My brother is out of town today, so it isn't like he's gonna care."

I lit up and smiled the biggest smile since I have been here, "Oh gracias, David!" At least this time, my excitement was sincere.

"Shall we get going, Alejandra?" Luke asked. I smiled and nodded. Poor boys, they were so easy to wrap around my little fingers. They would be devastated when they found out I was just using them but I had to for the sake of my mission.


So I know these chapters aren't all that long but I hope you enjoyed, once again please vote or comment, I'm excited to see where this story will end up and I hope that you guys will help me shape it :)

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