Chapter 27

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This chapter is dedicated to stephanie524190 for reading every chapter and always voting, you help me keep this story going, so thank you Stephanie!!!!! :D

(Brendon POV)

Waking up before she did, I enjoyed this moment, having her tucked up against me. I didn't expect last night to happen, but I'm so happy that it did. I had been frightened about what would happen if she discovered what I was. Here she is, this perfect pureblood, and I am the outcast of society. A shifter.

Not even my whole pack knows what I am. They have noticed that I am different in some ways than the average wolf, stronger, faster, and more animalistic at times. They just think it is something that runs in the family, and I suppose it is. My grandmother and mother were shifters, and it has always been kept a secret. But Alejandra doesn't care; I am different. She still loves me. I was terrified when I saw the fear in her eyes that she would hate me. It was the most grueling few hours of my life.

My mind went back to the events of yesterday. Starting with when I tried walking toward Alejandra after Raul hurt her. All I wanted was to hold her and protect her. The look in her eyes made me stop where I had stood. She was scared of me. Who wouldn't be? I was a dragon, something only heard of in myths and legends. I had needed to calm down; if I couldn't calm down, I wouldn't be able to shift back.

David! I still hadn't been able to mind link anyone, which made me more upset. I didn't understand why everyone, even Alejandra, was blocked off to me.

Once I managed to shift back, I slowly walked over to my mate. She looked damaged and in need of a doctor. "Please don't be scared, babe. It's me." Hearing the pack running up behind me, I smiled, I don't know how they knew we needed them, but they came.

"Take her back to the packhouse, have the doctor look at her." My third in Command, Raphael, dropped a blanket next to her so I could cover her. I nodded to say thank you. Hearing a whine, I looked back at Alejandra as she tried to shift back. Unfortunately, she must have broken something causing it that much harder to move her bones around. I placed my hand on her, hoping the touch of a mate could help. When she finally shifted, I wrapped her in the blanket.

Seeing my brother, I grabbed her and inhaled her scent. This may be the last time I ever saw her if she chose to reject me, so I took in every detail, her tan skin, dark hair, and wonderful scent.

"Take care of her." Letting my grief consume me, I changed back into my wolf and ran away.

I wasn't ready to confront her about being a shifter, and I wanted to give her time to think about her decision before rejecting me. I knew she would, though. Who would want a shifter as a mate, someone cursed by the moon goddess? I knew that Alejandra was sent here to obtain information about the shifter. When my grandmother was still alive, she was hunted by Alejandra's pack until she met my grandfather, the alpha of my pack. He was able to fake her death and make the purebloods believe she died, and with her death, the last of the shifters.

For years they gave up the hunt for a shifter until I was born, I lost control, and someone saw me, so a rumor was spread that there was a shifter in California. That's why Alejandra was here, to find me and report to her father that the freak was the Alpha of this pack.

Running in deep thought has consequences, one of them not seeing the magical barrier put up and slamming into it. A growl radiated from me until I looked up and saw Aurora. Her arms were up in surrender, "Brendon, you need to shift. I felt it, please."

I nodded my head to let her know I understood. A few years ago, when I met Aurora and I had her put a spell on me. If I ever lost control and shifted into something other than a wolf, she would be alerted and hopefully get there in time to do any damage control. Being one of the three most powerful witches, she could force me to shift back. It would render me unconscious, but typically when I lose control, the animalistic side takes over, and I can't determine friend from foe. My brother has a scar on his back from the last time I lost control.

When I shifted back into a human, I noticed I had clothes making me throw a smirk at Aurora. Darren was lucky to have a mate like Aurora. She is one of the most loyal people I know.

"What happened?"

Running a hand through my hair, I started pacing, "They attacked us, two wolves that Alejandra knew from Mexico. I am assuming one of them was Raul. The other one, he was strong, took me by surprise. I lost control trying to protect her."

"Did they get away?"


She walked over to me, giving me a hug, "then you have to prepare for war. They will come for you, Brendon."

"Then I will go with them willingly and leave the pack in Alejandra's hands."

I felt her shake her head, "What makes you think they will leave Alejandra alone just because they have you? She has disgraced and challenged her father's authority by staying here. They will come for her as well." I knew that Aurora was right. My body started shaking in anger. I would not let them take her.

"I will contact Darren and the witches. We will help you win this war."

"Thank you."

"But Brendon," she paused as if struggling with what to say, "you need to at least tell your pack members that you are a shifter."

I shook my head, "I can't do that."

"You have to. Your pack deserves to know what they are laying their lives down for."

"What about the witches? They deserve to know what they are fighting for as well?"

"The witches, I will tell, they honor and respect shifters. They will gladly fight for you."

"Okay, thank you, Aurora." I paused as fear again filled me, "I have to face my mate now."

She gave me a reassuring smile, "Good luck Brendon."

Feeling Alejandra stir, I got pulled from my memories. I smiled, watching her stretch and look up at me.

"Good morning Brendon."

I kissed her forehead, "Good morning, my love."


I thought it was about time to have another chapter from Brendon's point of view.

I didn't realize my story was going in this direction but I am glad that it did, most werewolf stories I have read it is the girl feeling self-conscious about herself and everything she does, but in my story, it is the Alpha. (THOUGH THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THOSE STORIES.) But men have doubts about themselves too, it isn't just women who are self-conscious.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment let me know what you think. I can't believe that I already have over 300 reads :D

Til next time :)

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