Chapter 13

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The picture above is what I picture Alejandra to be like only a little younger of course lol

The moment I smelled Alejandra on David, I thought I would go insane. I wanted to show her that the world has so much more to it than she believed. I didn't know much about her, but from what David told me, it would not be easy to convince her that I was her mate. Apparently, she didn't even think mates existed. Not to mention she had been forcibly marked already. My fists clenched in anger, and I felt my body shaking, calling out for justice that was his blood.

For the next two days, I had to drown myself in paperwork so that I didn't drive over to Lindsey's to meet my mate. I didn't want to make her life any more complicated before she came here. I had a couple of wolves camped out a safe distance from her house to ensure that Raul didn't go back to harm her further.

My phone rang and flashed Lindsey's name.


Lindsey's voice was shaky, "Raul was waiting outside for us when school got out. They are on their way to the packhouse now." Mixed emotions swirled inside of me. Excitement to meet my mate but fury that he would be with her. "I'm headed back home, but...." Her voice trailed off.

"What happened, Lindsey?" My voice was firm and commanding. I wasn't technically her Alpha, but she understood the seriousness of my tone.

I heard a sigh on the other end of the phone, "She's scared, Brendon. She really believes that he is entitled to do anything to her. Whatever this creep has done to her, she's going to need you to take things slow and be gentle." My fist slammed against the wall, and I heard the clang of the reinforced steel behind the oak. A precaution the pack thought would be useful to save on repair costs.

"Breathe, Brendon. Breathe." Lindsey repeated a few times over the phone. I clenched the crystal that hung low on my neck, drawing what strength I could from its powers. As my brother's mate and Beta's mate, she was one of the few people who could tell me to calm down without making it worse.

"They should be there in about 40 minutes. I suggest you do whatever you need to do to calm your beasts." Lindsey suggested.

I nodded in agreement despite the fact she couldn't see me, "You're right. I'm going to meditate until they get here. Thank you for letting me know, Lindsey."

"No problem." The line disconnected, and I fell to the ground, talons sprouting from my fingertips.

I took deep breaths, trying to connect with the animal attempting to emerge from inside me. I wanted to take Alejandra and fly far away from anyone who could hurt her. I wanted to soar above the clouds as she ran through the fields below; she would feel safe knowing I watched over her. I imagined our future together and the joy that she would bring to me and this pack.

Slowly I felt the talons retract, and my fingertips brushed against the carpet. I continued to breathe and meditate. I could never let my anger take over around her, especially with the abuse she had already experienced. I could never allow her to feel unsafe around me.

I stood up and made my way to the window as the car approached. I saw her short legs swing out of the vehicle, and I smiled. She was here. She stood up but when she closed the car door I saw her stumble slightly. Was she okay? I almost ran out to her, but I saw how another man was standing close. Too close. This must have been the fiancé David told me about. I could tell by how her body cowered away from the man she was scared of him. I needed to get her alone.

David, I only want to meet Alejandra, I will not speak to that piece of shit next to her.

I saw David glance at the window and nod towards me. He exchanged words with the girl and her fiancé. I saw the bastard's face twist in anger that I wouldn't speak to him, but I couldn't lose this chance. It was taking all of my willpower not to run out there and tear his head off for the pain he had caused my mate.

As she walked into the house, I found myself growing anxious. What would I say to her? Would she recognize the mate bond? She would have to; she's a wolf and a pure blood at that. The bond should be extremely powerful. I paced for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. Hearing the door start to open, I decided to stand behind my desk. I would look calm and reserved.

When she walked in, I was mesmerized. She was absolutely stunning. I had never seen a woman who could look as radiant as she was. We stood there for a moment, just looking at one another. When she cringed in pain, I couldn't understand what was happening. She clutched her stomach and fell to the ground. I felt my heart rip in half as I raced towards her and pulled her into my arms.

I was hoping the mating bond would help, but the moment I touched her, she screamed in pain as if I was the cause. Upon hearing her scream others came running into the room. There was yelling and confusion, but the only thing I could think of was that my mate was lying in my arms in pain. Making my way to the infirmary, I pushed her fiancé out of my way.

"Give her to me now! You have no right to hold her here." He grabbed my arm, trying to stop me.

A harsh growl escaped my lips, "by the goddesses' blessing I have every right to hold her here until she is well enough to decide whether or not she wants to stay. Now I recommend you LEAVE!" For a pure-blooded wolf, her fiancé looked slightly nervous, but he also looked pissed, and I knew he would be making phone calls to her father. But he was smart and knew that I wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he took her from me.

Laying her on the bed gently, I sat in the chair next to her and held her hand as the doctor did an analysis as to what was wrong with her. After an hour, he turned to me nervously, "Alpha, I think I know what is wrong with her, but I will need a witch to confirm my suspicion."

Why would he need a witch? "What is wrong with her?"

"I really think I should wait to tell you before it's confirmed." He didn't want to make me angry by telling me a diagnosis that would put me over the edge. I recognized this, but with her lying there unable to move, I wasn't sure I could reign in my anger.

"Tell. Me."

"I think. . . I think you are making her sick."


Yes, hate me all you want but I am ending this chapter here. I promise I will update as soon as I can. But what do you think of her mate so far? 

Till next time :)

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