Chapter 2

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In the morning, Susan and Gerold had to leave for work. From what I could understand, they worked for a large company in the city. They instructed Lindsey to show me around the city and buy me any clothes I needed for school. Yet they had been gone an hour, and all she did was talk to her friends through the computer.

I was getting ready to go explore the city on my own, but I smelt something that caught me off guard. Another wolf was nearby. Quickly I focused on disusing my scent. I couldn't let him know I was a wolf. Why was he here? A chime rang through the house, causing me to jump up from my seat.

"Sheesh, have you ever heard a doorbell?" Lindsey laughed at me.

Cocking my head to the side, I asked what a doorbell was. She looked like I was stupid, "It means someone is at the door. Do you mind answering it? I'm a little busy." Busy? She had been on her computer talking with her friend about some party this whole time.

Begrudgingly I made my way to the door, but only because I wanted to know why another wolf was here. When I opened it, I found myself looking at an adolescent wolf about my age. He had tan skin, brown hair and eyes.

"You must be the exchange student living with Lindsey for a semester; it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm David." He smiled and stuck out his hand, which I promptly shook, trying to seem courteous.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well." Maybe I wouldn't have to go to town today to figure out the wolves.

I heard Lindsey running up behind me, "David!" I moved out of the way, and she jumped into his arm and planted a kiss on his lips. "I didn't think you were getting back until next week?"

"I didn't think I was either, but my brother had to come back early for some kind of business." That made me wonder if his brother was the Alpha. Which was odd because I thought the alpha here was supposed to be older.

Pretending to give them some space, I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, listening.

"So, does that mean you can go to the party on Friday?" She asked with enthusiasm.

"Of course." They went all mushy-gushy, and I tuned out of their conversation. I wasn't even surprised when they headed upstairs towards Lindsey's room. The moment I realized what they were doing, I was out of there; no way I would sit and listen to that.

Something about David was strange; his smell gave me a headache, and how he talked about his brother bothered me. I was told the alpha here was older, I knew he had two sons, but I wasn't given any details on them. I was here to scout out the pack and talk to the Alpha; that was it.

After about an hour of walking, I was itching to shift. I was feeling too constricted here. How did the pack here deal with this? There was nowhere for miles where you could safely shift without being seen. This is why my pack didn't live in any large cities and preferred to stay away from humans. We enjoyed spending most of our time in our wolf forms.

David was gone when I returned home, and Lindsey was back on her laptop. When she heard the door open, she turned to see who walked in, "Where have you been?"

"I went on a walk."

"For two hours?" She asked suspiciously.


"You can't do that. If my parents came home and you were missing, I would be in a shit ton of trouble. You can't leave without me knowing where you are going." Her words infuriated me; it challenged who was alpha in this situation.

"Sure, next time, I will interrupt your mating with that boy David to tell you I am going on a walk." My voice was laced with sarcasm, and I saw her turn red. I wasn't sure if it was from embarrassment or anger, but she didn't say anything else. She just picked up her phone and began to message someone with a quizzical look on her face. 


So what do you think so far about David? Or Lindsey? Or even Alejandra?

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