Chapter 17

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This chapter has some insinuated abuse and sexual assault in it that can be very hard for some people to read if you are uncomfortable STOP reading and just go to the next chapter. Thank you.


When he hung up the phone, I wanted to run and hide, but more than that, I wanted to scream at the man in front of me. What was he thinking declaring war on my father? Didn't he realize that my father was a pureblood? He would die at my father's hand if he was serious about this. The thought of Brendon dying scared me, which confused me. How could I be so attached to a man I had just met.

"Alejandra?" I didn't want to look at him.

"Please," he begged, "look at me." I refused to look up, so he tilted my chin up to face him. Tingles of pain shot through me, "Please believe that I am doing this because I care about you."

He kissed my forehead and walked out of the infirmary, leaving me to my thoughts. When I couldn't see him anymore, I realized I missed him; I wanted him back here. I didn't want to be alone. I walked over to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. The woman looking back at me in the mirror looks so sickly and pale.

Not wanting to look at myself any longer, I laid down. To calm my nerves, I started to sing the song my mother would sing when I went to bed.

Luna mia sola mia

Me sueles consolar

En mis noches ya no suermos

No quiero continuar

The sound of clapping pulled me from my trance. Raul was walking into the room. I automatically shrank back from him. He had to be here because he heard Brendon declare war on my father. He had to be here to drag me back. Fear took hold of me when I realized that there was no escaping the fate laid out before me. This was the man I would spend the rest of my life with to preserve my bloodline.

"I didn't think you had it in you." His smirk terrified me.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid with me, Alejandra!" He started to walk toward me. I needed to get away. Looking around, I saw no good way out of this. "How many times did you have to sleep with him before he agreed to this?"

His words shocked and confused me, "I never slept with him." I was aghast at where he was getting these ideas. My response made him angry. Grabbing my throat, he pushed me down against the bed and climbed on top of me.

I tried pushing him off me, but he had my hands locked underneath him, "I guess there is still time to save our little marriage then." He smiled coldly as his hands pushed my legs apart. I tried to scream, but he tightened his hold on my throat, preventing any noise from escaping. He yanked my pants off, probably tearing them in the process.

Tears were streaming down my face when he grabbed and squeezed my breasts. I didn't want this. I didn't want him on top of me like this. I finally realized how much of a crazy lunatic Raul was. I didn't do anything wrong; I didn't deserve to feel this invaded, this dirty.

Blackness started to take over. I was still weak from being so sick, and Raul would have his way with me if I passed out. When his hand left my boob and traveled further down, I decided to resort to my last choice. It would use all of my energy and leave me defenseless, but it was my only choice if I didn't want to be raped right here and now.

Brendon! I reached out to him with my mind link praying that he heard me. I prayed he would make it in time as I faded. Raul's black eyes were the last thing I saw before the darkness overtook me again.  


So that was intense to write, and actually very hard to do, I know too many girls and women who have been abused so that was hard for me to write. But please stick with me I promise it will get better :) As always please vote and comment, oh and that song she was singing is called luna mia by soluna, it is really pretty :)

ALSO I AM AT 100 READS!!!!!! Meaning I will be nice and post another chapter after this today :)

Till later

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