The fox

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    Everyday I would look through my glass door to the back yard. I loved it when I saw animals peacefully in my back yard. I would see things like deer, birds, hedgehogs, rabbits, all sorts of cute animals.
   One morning when I checked through the glass door, I saw a fox. I'd never seen a fox in my yard before, so it was a beautiful sight to me.
   The next day, I saw what looked like the same fox. I thought it was pretty cute that it came back.
   Ever since that, the fox showed up everyday. It didn't bother me, but the fox started to bring dead animals to my front door. It was a little disturbing, but I didn't think much of it since they were only small animals like rabbits and squirrels, after all it was a fox.
   Everyday it was the same kind of little dead animals on my front door. Until one day I saw my neighbor's dog. It was ripped to shreads.
   I told my neighbor about the sad news and went to sleep that night.
   As I was falling asleep, I heard the sound of scratching downstairs...

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