Ring of the Divorced

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  Going through a divorce isn't easy and happens more often then we'd like to think. You think that you've found the one, but then it crumbles away into nothing. Eventually you will move on and that will be the end of it. That's at least what we want to think.
   A young couple had gotten married right out of high school. They thought that they were deeply in love, but the constant arguing and trust issues tore them apart. Finally, the husband gave up and wanted a divorce. He wanted to explore the world and meet new people. He was sick of arguing and being pulled down. All he wanted was a divorce.
  He was hoping this would be simple, but his wife didn't want to give up do easily. She wasn't going to just give him up. She kept the ring on her finger and refused to sign the papers for the divorce. The man pleaded for her to agree to it so she wouldn't take everything from him, but she didn't budge. All she wanted was her first true love.
  Time went on and the woman still refused to divorce her husband, making him grow more frustrated and desperate. He wanted to be freed. He had no love to give to her anymore. All he wanted was to live his life the way he wanted to live without being held back.
   The frustration turned into rage more and more with each day that passed. All of the begging and pleading hS gotten him no where. There was no way she would willingly divorce him. He had to get the divorce he wanted somehow. He was starting to it care how he would get the divorce, he just wanted it.
  It sickened him to see his "wife" still wearing the ring. She never took it off, even though he had already thrown his own ring into a far away lake. He wanted to get rid of that ring, but she was too attached to it. He knew it wouldn't be an easy task to retrieve the ring, but he didn't care. He needed this. He needed his freedom.
  One night the woman went to bed as the man sat in the kitchen by himself. He stared at an old magazine until moments passed and he could hear a faint snoring in the bedroom. He clutched the magazine tight, before dropping it. He stood up from the kitchen table and walked over to the counter. He stood there for a moment only staring at the kitchen knives in front of him. He needed his freedom. He needed to get it in any means possible. He couldn't take it anymore.
  He slowly reached towards the biggest knife in the stand and clutched it in his hands. He could almost feel his own heartbeat through the handle as he gripped it tightly. He looked down at the knife for a few moments. He didn't even seem to blink as he stared into the blade.
  The man then turned away as he began to make his way to the bedroom door. He took shallow breaths and he walked slowly on the wooden floor below him. He slowly turned the door knob without making a sound. He peeked into the room to find the woman asleep on the bed before he made his way completely into the room. He felt his heart beating against his chest as he stared angered at the woman.
  He kneeled down in front of the bed as he slowly reacted for her ring hand. The ring was of course still on her finger. His grip around the knife tightened with each breath as he stared hatefully at the ring that rested on her finger. He thought for a moment before swiftly grabbing her finger and cutting of the finger; the ring still attached.

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