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  There was once a prisoner in jail for murder. He was well known by the community and was feared, but relief came over them once he was finally locked up. The prisoner was of course not happy at all about being caught. He refused to be locked up. He wanted his freedom and he wanted to continue to make people fear him even more. He lived for that attention and fear.
   After about a year of being locked up, the prisoner thought of many plans of escaping. He talked to the other inmates and even tried watching the guards to see what their schedule was. He didn't plan on being sloppy.
  He had spent that whole year digging a tunnel to escape. The tunnel was very thin and it would be difficult to move around, but the more he was kept in the prison, the more he was desperate to escape. One night he actually decided to go through with the plan.
  He slowly shoved his body through the tunnel. It squeezed his sides and if was difficult for him to crawl. He tried moving slow and steady but not only didn't he have all night, but there wouldn't be enough air because of the thinness of the tunnel.
  He had no clue how far he was, but he had no intentions of turning back. The air grew thicker as he took deep breaths, attempting to get air. His body was getting scratched and his limbs her growing numb. The tight space was getting hard to continue to crawl in.
  The air grew even harder to breath as he now gasped for air. He attempted crawling faster, but it only made manners worse. He was now stick in the tunnel. He attempted to free his arm, but the tunnel was just too thin. Several hours later, the prisoner died of suffocation.
  The next morning, the guards checked his cell to find that he was not there. They all searched desperately, but it was no hope. The police had to release a statement that the prisoner could be roaming free once again. This sent everything into a panic and wide spread fear once again. Warnings were sent out, news reports, and even money rewards. Nothing was working.
  As this was happening, things only grew stranger at the prison. Many of the prisoners were dying of mysterious causes. The deaths looked similar to the previous victims of the escaped prisoner, but they just couldn't find him. More and more prisoners died. No one could do anything about it as the rain of terror continued.
  The prison was eventually abandoned, and only after five years of it being a abandoned did someone discover the body. Many rumors were spread that the ghost of the prisoner was the reason for all of the deaths. Many also believed that the prison could've just been cursed from him. Either way, it doesn't change the mystery.

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