Chapter 18

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After more than 15 hours of flight, we arrived in Greece. The plane landed in Athens, where we rented a car and drove off, heading to the country side.

"Granny, where are we exactly going?" I asked her curious about our destination.

"Would you understand if I told you?"

"Probably not, as I haven't been anywhere but Mystic Falls, but a clue would be nice." She laughed.

"We are going to one of the most famous places of prophecy in Greece. In ancient time people would come and asked about their future or some advice concerning serious decisions they had to make."

"Could I have a name please?" She chuckled.


"Great!" I exclaimed.

"You know about Delphi?"

"I had made a project about the most famous oracles in ancient Greece. Mr. Green can be blamed for that."

"Talking about Mr. Green, I think I should tell you, some things extremely important that contributed to my decision about leaving Mystic Falls."

"What, there is more?" I asked shocked.

"There is always more..."

"Oh, boy!"

"But, I'll tell you right after we reach our destination."

"Looking forward to it..." I said in a sarcastic tone.

I didn't know how much time had it passed, when we saw some houses in the far distance.

"Let me guess. This, is our destination, right?"

"Yes, honey, we finally arrived."

We stopped by a wooden house near the forest. It was a classic wooden house, like those we see in horror films, although, it didn't inspire me any feeling of fear. Just a welcoming sensation of being home, something completely different from the feeling I had in Mystic Falls.

A woman in her early fifty's approached and welcomed us. She had a round face, with almond- shaped eyes in the colour of blue and wavy red hair.

"Christa, it's so nice to see you again, after all these years!" She said hugging my Granny.

"Nice to see you too, Alexa. This is my granddaughter, Cassandra." She said pointing at me.

"It's honor to meet the last descendant of our great ancestor."

"Nice to meet you too." I replied feeling a little awkward.

I had never had anyone treat me with such respect before. It was almost scary.

"Come on in!" She said cheerfully and motioned us to follow her.

The inside of the house was pretty much alike ours back in Mystic Falls. We went upstairs, where Alexa showed us our rooms. Mine was of the same size as my own and had an incredible view of the mountains around. The decorating was inspired by the sea, although you couldn't see it from here. Blue and white dominated in the room. I might have been here only a few minutes, but this place made me feel already at home. I let my suitcases on the floor and lay in the bed, not having the courage to unpack. I was so exhausted.

I was on the edge of sleeping, when I heard Alexa calling me downstairs. I lifted my feet with difficulty and forced them to move downstairs. I was acting like a robot, if you ask me. In the dining room was my Granny with Alexa, who served the food in our plates.

"So, what is it?" I asked confused.

"It's pilaf with shrimps. It also has some coloured peppers."

"Judging by the smell, it must taste great!" I said and started eating. I was really hungry.

Indeed, the food was delicious. After finishing the content of my plate, I left it to the dishwasher and excused myself from the room, saying goodnight to both of them. Putting on my pajamas, I lay in the bed. Staring at the stars out of my window, it didn't take long for me to drift back in a peaceful sleep.

The first I had in months.

Author's Note: Next chapter will be much longer I promise!!!!

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