Chapter 75

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Well, last night was a disaster. Partly. Elena's plan to captivate Stefan was ruined due to an unexpected fire, caused by the original witch who was on the other side, aiming to kill Elena in order to prevent Klaus from creating more hybrids. Isn't it annoying that always everything revolves around Klaus and his hybrids??? And it wasn't me who run like a coward only by hearing one name. Plus, Matt helped the original witch to cast a spell from the other side to bring Vicky back. Of course, Vicky was working for the original witch who had promised to help her come back if she helped to kill Elena.

But, there was also a good thing about last night. I finally managed to get along with Rebekah, which is quite amazing. I can't forget what she said. About me being her sister. I don't know if I want to be. If I accept this 'new' role for me, I'll have to accept also the fact that I'm not indifferent towards Elijah.

I was sitting in my bedroom trying to concentrate on my homework, for the last two hours at least. Today was the Night of Illumination. That is, another boring night about historical crap about the founders of this town and I was not in the mood to hear it. I was not even in the mood to get out of the house. Luckily, I wasn't a member of the founding families. I was determined to stay in all day, but a text from Damon changed my mind.

Come at the Grill. NOW!!! What was that supposed to mean?

Curiosity led me to follow Damon's orders. Fifteen minutes later I was at the Grill, looking for Damon. Where is this bastard??? I thought. Turning my head a couple of times, I finally spotted him at the bar. Alaric was with him. But, there was another one with them. He was wearing a blue shirt and his figure looked familiar.

"What do you want???" I shouted reaching them. Damon looked like he had seen a ghost. "What did you see a ghost or something?" I joked. The man in front of me who had still his back turned on me laughed. He laugh sounded familiar. Extremely familiar, actually.

"You can say so." He said finally turning his back.

"Oh my God!!!" I screamed. "Mason???"

"Hello to you too, Cassie."

"Do you see him too?" I asked Damon and Alaric, half-yelling. They nodded. "Thank God!!!" I exhaled relieved.

"Pardon me?" Damon said obviously pissed off. "He almost fried me this morning!" He added.

"You did?" I asked turning to Mason. He nodded smiling broadly at me. "Good for you!" I said smiling too. "And before you say anything, I'm sure you remember how you killed him in front of me." I added before Damon could butt in.

"You are going to pay for these, right?" Mason asked drinking another shot.

"Let's skip to the point. I killed you. You want revenge. Get in line." Damon said ironically.

"Actually, I want an apology." Mason replied. Both Alaric and I burst out laughing.

"Good luck with that." Alaric said.

"Don't you have a family to haunt? You know your nephew was turned into a mindless hybrid minion." Damon tried to avoid the subject.

"That's why I'm here. To help Tyler." Mason said.

"Sorry to interrupt, but can anyone tell me why am I here exactly?" I asked confused.

"You are his insurance. He knows I would never do something in front of you. I'm not like him." Mason replied instead of Damon. I glared at Damon who was trying to avoid looking at me.

"Sorry to break it, but Tyler can't be helped. At least since Klaus is alive. That is like always." Damon changed the subject again.

"Not necessarily. Not if you find a weapon that could kill him."

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