Chapter 119

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The sun had just risen and another day began. I was feeling better and I hated to admit that the improvement in my health was because of Elijah. I couldn't understand why I was still connected to him like that. We were over a long time ago. Plus, he loved another woman. I tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling this thought caused to me and focus on more important things, like the protection of Hayley and the baby. Last night was very tiring for all of us. And I have to say Klaus was the one that was the most afraid. Afraid of losing his baby. I never thought Klaus as a father. I bet if Sophie wasn't linked to Hayley, he would be choking her right now. But, I know he will have to settle with some explanation.

"We had a deal!" I heard from downstairs. Here we go... I descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen, where Hayley was preparing some coffee.

"No, no, no!" I said taking the cup of coffee she was holding, before she could even manage to have a sip of it.

"What the hell?" She asked annoyed.

"You are pregnant. Forget coffee for the next six months."

"But-" She protested.

"No buts! I'll make you a hot chocolate instead." I replied and spilled the coffee in the sink. I heard her sighing annoyed. A small smile formed on my face. She was so stubborn. Like me... Klaus was still yelling at the young witch. "Your chocolate is ready." I said giving Hayley a cup of my famous hot chocolate. "I'm going to see what's going on. I don't know how long it will take, but if you try to drink coffee again, believe me, I'll know, before you even attempt to. Am I clear?" She just nodded. She was still angry. I turned my back to her and went to join Klaus and Rebekah who were interrogating Sophie.

"I had nothing to do with it! I swear! Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die." Sophie was trying to defend herself.

"She is saying the truth." I confirmed, catching everyone's attention.

"Who were they?" Rebekah asked.

"They are a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby." That caught my attention.

"What vision?" Klaus asked.

"She has them all the time. They are totally open to interpretation. I'm guessing she is wrong on this one." Sophie explained.

"And what did the vision say about the baby?" I asked curious.

"Pretty much that your baby will bring death to all witches." I burst out laughing and I couldn't stop.

"Since when witches are experts on visions?" I said continuing laughing.

"Well, I grow fonder of this child by the second." Klaus commented, making me laugh even louder. But, my laugh faded, once Rebekah referred to Elijah and her promise to protect the baby, asking for more information about this faction.

"Elijah is talking to Davina?" Sophie asked shocked. Of course, he was. He had an extraordinary gift in manipulating people. Pure girl. No one could resist his promises. Myself included. But, that was the past. Everything has changed now. I have changed. "I'm guessing she will have plenty to say about that crowd."

"Do tell." Klaus urged her.

"I wasn't always an advocate for the witches." And that was the moment when Sophie started telling us the story of her life. I stopped paying attention, but a single word made me focus on her again. The Harvest.

"What the bloody hell is the Harvest?" Rebekah asked and I was something more than curious to hear the witch's reply.

"It's a ritual our coven does every three centuries, so that the bond to our ancestral magic is restored. We appease our ancestors, they keep their ancestral power flowing."

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