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#1 Will you make a sequel?

No, I will not. The story is already big enough as it is, I don't want to ruin it in an attempt to write more, just like TVD writers did. Plus, I want to move on, to write about something new.

#2 Will you do a Klaus Mikaelson love story?

I have something in mind...

#3 Are you planning on making an Elijah / Original female story?

I have something in mind about that as well...

#4 Are you doing another TVD book? Maybe a Stefan one?

Honestly, I thought I was over with TVD universe when I finished Foreseen. However, I had a lot of ideas after that about other characters and maybe in the future I'll write another TVD fanfiction. As far as Stefan is concerned, I actually have no idea if I'll write a story about him. Inspiration does not always come when we want it to. If I have an idea, then maybe I will.

#5 What will you write next?

In the previous chapter, there was a hint. My next story will be a vampire related one. It's a fanfiction. That's all I can say at the moment.

#6 What inspired you to write this?

Honestly, I have no idea. I always felt Elijah more appealing as a character and I would always daydream about how I wanted the story to progress in my mind (basically I was writing fanfiction in my head, although I was not familiar with the term back then). I thought that he was a very underestimated character and I wanted to give him more attention, so that's basically how Foreseen was created. Apart from that, I put a lot of events and feelings I have experienced myself in the story, making it as real as possible, because what I wanted to avoid, as I have said before, was making a story that was in a marshmallow world.

#7 How do you feel about the ending?

It's the ending I wanted my story to have. I wanted it to have a happy ending. I wanted Elijah and Cassandra to have a happy ending. Because truth is, happy endings are very rare in real life. I did have another ending in mind, but I find this ending better. And I'm proud of myself for coming up with something like that.

#8 What was the hardest part of writing?

Writer's block. Definitely the writer's block. It's the most frustrating thing in the world! And of course writing the fillers. That's frustrating too! There were part of the series that I had a very clear idea what I wanted to write about them. Let's say for example, Cassandra's first conversation with Marcel in New Orleans, when she introduces herself as Sandra. I had a very clear idea in my head how I wanted the whole thing to play out. The same goes with the chapter that Elijah leaves Cassandra. However, I had to write the middle stuff about what happens after Elijah left Mystic Falls, how Cassandra was and how she decided to leave Mystic Falls. It was a little bit difficult, because my mind was so obsessed in writing the chapter I already knew what to write about.

#9 Where did you get your talent?

Actually, I don't see it much as a talent, but more as a way for me to get away from reality. I put my heart and soul into every chapter. Plus, it's something I like. When you like doing something, then you are good at it. Of course, there is always room for improvement.

#10 What are your favourite books on Wattpad?

There are so many good books here on Wattpad. You can check out my profile, in the conversation's section, I answer the same question because I was tagged on @-VoidBella- 's Tag Book.

#11 Favourite genre?

I can say I like all genres. I enjoy reading all of them, especially those that have to do with the supernatural (not the TV series particularly). What I don't like is horror stories. Those I try to avoid.

#12 Apart from Greece favourite country?

That's a difficult one.... I haven't been anywhere else to be honest. Perhaps, after I travel all I want I might be able to answer this question.

#13 If you could write Cassandra in any other way, how would you?

Generally, I'm very content with how Cassandra turned out to be. Changing her in any way, would automatically change the whole story. But, if I had to write her in any other way, I would make her a less complicated being, that is she would not be a prophetess not a vampire huntress. She would be a mare human caught up in all the vampire drama. Maybe I would make her a little more insecure and vulnerable. Don't ask me why, because I don't know the answer either.

Author's Note: So, this will be the last time I update this story. It's been an amazing ride for me and I hope you feel the same way. Thank you for all your love and support. Your comments made my day. It's trully amazing to see people appreciate your work. Until next time, take care of yourselves and I hope we'll see each other soon.

Please check out @TheoriginalJoker profile and especially her book with covers. She has made a few for Foreseen too! It's amazing, thanks again!

Foreseen [An Elijah Mikaelson Love Story]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora