Tribute to The Vampire Diaries

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Dear friends and dear readers,

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Dear friends and dear readers,

I'm sorry if you thought that this was an update. I've just finished watching the last episode of The Vampire Diaries and I just felt like writing all these things that I feel at the moment. You are not obliged to hear (or read more likely) my rant, so feel free to skip this.

Ok, here it goes.

My first contact with the universe of The Vampire Diaries was 5 years ago, when a friend of mine lent me the first book of The Vampire Diaries series. Instantly, I felt so hooked on this story that I bought the following books too. I've currently read until Book 7, but I intend to finish the series some day.

To be honest, from a point after the plot in the books, became a little far-fetched for me, but not to the point that I hated it. That's when another friend of mine introduced me to the TV series of The Vampire Diaries. The year was 2012. There were already 3 seasons out. At first I was not so thrilled about it, because it didn't stick to the plot of the books at all. Which is a good thing, if you ask me now. But, as I kept watching I became more and more addicted to the show.

The Vampire Diaries was the first foreign series I watched. As some of you know, I'm from Greece. When I started the show my english was average and I could not really understand what the actors said. For instance, I didn't know what "vervain" was! I found out later, when I restarted watching the series, with greek subtitles this time. It made things a whole lot easier.

The Vampire Diaries had its good and bad moments. I have to admit that even myself doubted the writers' choices many times. But, I never stopped watching the show. It was Vampire Diaries after all... A lot of people that we loved died, some of them came back and some other's didn't... Some died again and never came back... And some others were brought back to life again. Confusing eh? Try explaining to somebody that is totally unaware of The Vampire Diaries world what's really happening in the series. It will take you years and the other person will not understand a thing in the end! (I attempted that with my mom... It didn't go so well...)

The Vampire Diaries introduced us to a few of the best villains that we ever had the privilege of love and hate at the same time. Damon Salvatore, who turned out to be more of an anti-hero than a villain. It turns out he had his soft spots too. Katherine Pierce. There are so many things to say about this amazing female character. I admit I was never a big fan of hers, but she was the BEST villain I have ever seen. Strong, fierce, independent, manipulative, a bitch, Katherine Pierce will forever remain in our hearts and minds, as the best villain The Vampire Diaries has ever known. Klaus Mikaelson.... And the Originals in general... Well, no wonder that they got their own show! The Originals would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. They cared only for themselves and their family. They kept us on the edge of our seats for an entire season (... and maybe more). And last but not least, Kai Parker... Truth is that I had started losing my interest on the show at the time, but when Kai Parker made an appearance... Hell yeah! I was hooked on it all over again. Too bad he died so soon. I believe if the writers had let him live a little longer, the show would have changed for the better. I love him!

The Vampire Diaries was the series that inspired me to write my very first story. I remembered how obsessed I was with Elijah at the time and I couldn't really find any good fanfiction stories about him, that I started writing my own. That was 4 years ago. And I was inspired to write a lot of other stories. In a way, it helped me take the risk and put myself out there as a writer, something I would have never dared to do on my own.

And here comes today, March 12th, 2017 (in Greece at least) and I wached the last episode of a series and I loved dearly all these years. I cannot realize that this is it. No more episodes for The Vampire Diaries. No more anxious awaiting of what's coming next. Everything is just over... And it leaves a bittersweet feeling in my heart.... I have not loved a series as much as The Vampire Diares (with one exception only...). So, it's heartbreaking for me to see it over.

Personally, I'd like to thank all these people that worked hard to make The Vampire Diaries a reality. All these people that dedicated their lives to this show. All these people that gave us a whole new world to imagine. Thank you.

It's funny.... Last night, when I updated, I had a peek of the next chapter. And I realized how close my story was to ending too. It scared me almost.... So, I wanted to prolong the ending a bit more... Because writing this story has been an amazing journey for me, which I will talk about another time. And it's not easy to see it end. For those of you that have read until this point, I tell you not to panic. My story is not over yet. You'll know when it's over. So, please don't ask me when it will be over. You'll find out.

Goodbye, The Vampire Diaries.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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