Chapter 107

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Venus's P.O.V.

Where was she? Why couldn't I find her? I was worried sick. I had searched the whole town and she was nowhere to be found. Where could she be? I felt there was something wrong. I couldn't tell exactly what was happening, but I sensed it. I just hoped she was ok. It was dark outside and I was wandering in the streets searching for any sign of Cassandra. A small cry was heard. I stopped dead in my tracks. I focused on where the sound was heard. This couldn't be... No, it was just a cat. Or something else for that matter. The sound was heard again. Now it looked more like a... sobbing. It was coming from a dark alley. What the hell? I made my way to where the sound had come from. I was not afraid. I was very capable of defending myself. As I moved more into the alley, the darker it got. The sound was heard again, closer this time.

I kept moving forward. It was completely dark right now, but I was able to recognize a dark figure lying on the street. I came closer. And then I realized...


At the same time...

3rd person's P.O.V.

Elijah and Rebekah were driving back to Mystic Falls, in silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. The blonde couldn't still believe how her older brother proved to be so foolish. He abandoned the love of his life to be with a slut... And the worst thing of all was that he allowed Cassandra to see what he had done... She was so worried for her. Elijah on the other hand couldn't stop cursing himself. How could he do this to her? He loved her. And yet he had hurt her more than once. He couldn't imagine in what condition was Cassandra right now. He wished to be the one to suffer instead of her. But, that was not possible. And he was the one to blame for everything.

He didn't pay attention to the road. Suddenly, a dark figured appeared making him hit the brakes. "What the hell???" Rebekah exclaimed terrified. The dark figure was still standing in front of the car. Elijah got out.

"May I help you?" He asked politely, approaching the dark figure.

"You might." A familiar male voice replied.

"Damon Salvatore..." Elijah recognized him immediately. He was curious to hear his excuse for appearing on his way. It would be something probably related to Elena.

"What are you doing here?" Rebekah asked getting out of the car. Damon kept staring at Elijah with hostility.

"Just keeping a promise..." He replied mysteriously. Elijah raised an eyebrow waiting for an explanation. It wasn't oral though. Damon's fist collided with Elijah's face. Elijah, clearly off guard, fell to the ground.

"How dare you?" Rebekah growled.

"That's for Cassie." Damon said before disappearing.

Leaving both of them completely surprised.

Back to Willoughby...

Venus's P.O.V.

"Cassandra, please..." I begged. The redheaded girl I met a few days ago was now lying on the cold road, as if she was in great pain. She didn't respond to any of my pleadings. "Cassandra, please say something... Anything..." I pleaded again. "What happened?" I continued.

"He..." Cassandra said in a weak, trembling voice.

"Who is 'he'? What did he do to you?" She cried even harder. "Please, calm down... I can't see you like this. Tell me what I can do to help you..."

"You can't... do... anything..." She said crying. "Everything is over..."

"What do you mean?" A new wave of tears followed.

"Come on, let's get you somewhere else." I said, trying to make her stand up.

It was really difficult. She seemed like she had no strength left. Eventually, she stood up and we ended up in a motel room. She had calmed down a little bit, but I could feel the pain coming from her. I was desperate. In short, she tried to explain what happened. From what I understood, it was Elijah's fault. Damn! Couldn't he just leave her live her life without any more pain? She deserved to be happy and when she was close to it, he did something that ruined her all over again. I swear, if he was in front of me right now, I would kill him.

After a while, Cassandra fell asleep. Me, on the other hand, I didn't have a wink of sleep all night. I was observing Cassandra, feeling guilty for letting her go through that pain. If I was with her, nothing would have happened. I would have seen that something was wrong and I would save her from feeling like that. But again, even Cassandra herself couldn't see what was coming. All night, I had been thinking of ways to make her feel better. But, how could she feel better after everything that had happened? It is really hard to see the person you love with someone else, let alone if that person is your soulmate. I can't even understand the full length of her pain. I only wished that one day she would be able to get over it.

The sun had just risen and I felt the need to take a walk. Once I got out in the cold air, I was able to think more clearly. I was walking for what seemed like hours, when I came across a donut shop. I decided that a breakfast with donuts would be a good start and maybe that Cassandra would be cheered up a bit. I walked as fast as I could back to the motel, excited, looking forward to see Cassandra smile again. Or at least stop crying. But, when I got there I was shocked to see what I saw.

She was gone.

Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the delay in updates guys!!!! Life got in the way!! I'm running around all day for university and at the end of the day I'm just to exhausted to even turn on my laptop! I hope you can forgive me for that!! Don't forget to tell me what you think about the chapter in the comments!!! Love you all!

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