#Bonus Chapter - Part 3

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"Did you honestly agree to that???" Elijah asked when I told him the news.

"You act like you don't know your own sister! Do you think I had a choice in the matter?" He rubbed his temple as if he was in pain.

"We are so going to regret this..." He said in the end.

"I couldn't agree more." I replied.

Rebekah didn't lose any more time. Next morning she attacked me with wedding magazines, full of flower arrangements and wedding dresses. Elijah excused himself pretty quickly, saying he had some business to arrange. I shot daggers at him the moment he was exiting and he responded with an apologetic look.

"Just to be clear, I want to keep it simple!" Rebekah rolled her eyes, but said nothing. After an hour, I felt like I was about to vomit pink and flowers. "Rebekah, please I need a break!" I pleaded her.

"No, we have so much to do, in such little time! You are definitely not getting a break!" As an answer to my pleas, my son started crying and I rushed to him.

"Thank God..." I whispered through my teeth.

"I heard that!!!" Rebekah shouted from the other room, while I took my baby boy in my arms.

"Hey, handsome... Missed me?" I said, while cradling him affectively. He immediately stopped crying and stared at me with his beautiful brown eyes. "Aunt Bekah is torturing mom a little, but I'll be fine don't worry."

"I heard that too!!!" Rebekah shouted again and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you hungry little one?" He flashed me an adorable smile and I couldn't help but giggle.

After I breastfed him, I put him in his stroller and brought him in the living room where Rebekah was still sitting, going through some wedding magazines.

"Ok, why don't we start with the simple stuff?" I suggested. Rebekah raised her eyebrows.

"Ok, what is the simple stuff according to you?" She asked.

"The guests. The place of the ceremony. That kind of stuff."

"Ok..." She replied nodding. "The guests. How many?"

"It will be a small wedding. From my side, well we have all my relatives from my father's side, let's say sixteen people, plus Iphigenia, plus Alexander and Davina, plus Alexa... I'm not going to invite anyone from The Council of course... All my friends from Mystic Falls obviously... And from your side, well I don't think you guys have many friends..." Rebekah glared at me. "What? It's the truth..."

"Fine... Maybe you are right."

"So? Can you think of anyone?" She thought about it for a second.

"Cami, Jackson, maybe some member's of Hayley's pack... I can't think of anyone else... Maybe you should talk to Elijah about this..."

"Yes, you are right."

"How about bridesmaids?"

"You are so many! I cannot choose!" I said desperately. She glared at me. "But, you are my most certain choice." I added quickly. Her expression softened a little.

"It's your wedding. You can choose whoever you want to be your bridesmaid."

"And what wedding would that be if I didn't have my sister as the maid of honour?" Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Thank you." She said hugging me tightly. I hugged her back.

Despite all the bad things Rebekah might had, she was a real sister to me. She had supported me in times when no one else did. We shared a unique bond. A bond that would never break.

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