Chapter 99

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I stepped into my room and turned on the lights. Exhausted I threw all of my weapons at a corner and changed into the white nightdress I was wearing last night. I had a really bad feeling. I couldn't explain it. I was pacing around my room nervous. Where was Elijah?

Elena's P.O.V.

I walked into my bedroom. This was a very long and painful night. Not only for me, but also for my friends. Bonnie's mother is in transition and Cassie lost the opportunity to be with her own. I looked around the room and something on the bed caught my eye. I went and picked it up. It was a letter. Curious I opened it.


Today I did things I abhor to protect the two things I value most. My family and the woman I love. If anyone can understand that it's you. I'm going to do the right thing for her. She deserves better. She will need you. Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you, as I will carry my regret.

Always and forever.


What was that supposed to mean? Why would Cassie need me?

Elijah's P.O.V.

I was at my house. Or maybe I shouldn't call this building in this way.

"Where the bloody hell is everyone?" Rebekah exclaimed entering the living room where I was at. "Where's mother?" She asked.

"We have no mother." I replied turning to face her. "Only Esther and Esther was right."

"What do you mean?" My sister asked not understanding. I brought back the scene between my mother and my siblings, earlier this evening.


"My sons... come forward." Esther said. As Klaus, Kol and I were getting closer she got in the circle.

"Stay behind me, mother." Finn who was in the centre of the circle warned her.

"It's ok. They can't get in." She reassured him. As Kol approached the circle the fire of the torches grew stronger, preventing him from moving any further.

"That's lovely. We're stack out here, while the favourite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are Finn..."

"Be quiet Kol." Our mother said to my little brother. "Your brother knows virtue, you cannot even imagine." She continued.

"Whatever you think of us, killing your own children will be an atrocity." I intervened.

"My only regret is that I didn't let you die thousand years ago." She replied with no remorse in her eyes.

"Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, mother, or I'll send you back to hell." Klaus hissed at her.

She took a step forward. "For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you, feel the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you Elijah, with your claim for nobility, you are no better. Even this girl you love will suffer because of your feelings for her. She will die because of you. And when her blood is in your hands, you will realize how selfish you were when you had the chance and yet you didn't let her go. All of you, you are a curse on this earth stretched out for generations. If you've come to plead for your life, I'm sorry. You've wasted your time."

End of Flashback...

Her words might have been hurting me like knives, but I had to recognize a hint of truth in them. I would destroy her. The most important person in my life. My girl...

Foreseen [An Elijah Mikaelson Love Story]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant