Chapter 100

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A few days later...

Rebekah's P.O.V.

"Cassandra! Cassandra, please open the door!" I yelled outside of Cassandra's house, while knocking the door. I hadn't heard from her since the night my brother left. I couldn't even imagine the pain she must be feeling. "Cassandra, please! I just want to make sure you are ok." I mentally slapped myself. How could she be ok, after what my brother had done? She wouldn't answer, I knew that. But, I wasn't sure if it was because of stubbornness or something else. I didn't want to think of that possibility. Even if I broke the door, I wouldn't be able to get in, since I was not invited. Then, I should talk to somebody that could.

I headed to the house of the person I hated the most. Elena. I hit the door with my fist. I hardly prevented myself from kicking it. Elena opened the door and stared at me surprised. The witch and the other vampire appeared behind her.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed.

"Have you heard from Cassandra?" I snapped, ignoring her question.

"No. Why do you even care?" Caroline snapped back. Honestly, I didn't know what Nik saw in her.

"Because, I love her like a sister. And we all know what happened to her. But, it seems I'm the only one here that cares." I replied sharply.

"We do care about her, it's just we thought to give her some space and time." The witch explained.

"Really? That's why you are all here chit-chatting, while your friend is suffering?"

"And you are here because..." Elena butted in. I turned to her, looking at her with my most hostile look.

"Because, just a few moments ago, I was in front of 'your' friend's house, yelling, but not getting any response. I would break in, but the fact that I'm not invited stops me. I needed somebody that can get in." I replied. My concern must have been obvious which made them reconsider slamming the door in my face.

"You think something could have happened to her?" Bonnie asked concerned too.

"I think we should go and check it out." I replied instead, trying to keep my mind away from the worst.

"I know where they keep the spare key. We can get in." Elena said, looking at the others.

"Good, I drive." They hesitated.

"I'm not going to kill you until I make sure my sister is ok. Will you get in or what?" I said already pissed off.

The only reason I hadn't cut their heads off already, was Cassandra. I was driving like a madwoman and the little crew at the back of the car was scared to death. I didn't care. The only person I cared about was Cassandra. To me the drive seemed endless, yet it had lasted only a few minutes. I rushed out of the car and waited for the others to get out at Cassandra's front porch.

"Oh my God." Elena gasped seeing the house. It was about time to realize the seriousness of the situation.

"It seems like it is abandoned." Caroline added. 

What a genius! I thought.

The house looked like there was no one living there for quite a while. The shutters were closed and the grass around the house was quite high. But, it wasn't just the external impression. It was the air around this house. It was so depressing, so... sad.

Stepping a foot on the porch, Elena kept staring at the wooden surface of it. I was about to ask what the hell she was doing when she knelt down and lifted one of the boards. There was an empty space where a key was hidden. Taking the key, she rushed to the door and unlocked it. She and Bonnie run upstairs yelling Cassandra's name, while me and Caroline were stuck outside. My heart would break at any second.

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