Chapter 82

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"He did what?!?!?!" I exclaimed.

"He compelled Jeremy to go and stand in front of a speeding car."

"But, why?"

"It's Klaus. He wants to put his point across, no matter what."

"What's his point this time?"

"Stefan stole all the coffins."

"You mean the coffins that contain his daggered family?"

"Yes." "Why did he do such a thing?"

"I don't know. Revenge maybe?"

"Ok, thank you for telling me, Elena. I'll handle Klaus."

"How will you do that?"

"I have my ways." I said hanging up.

I was more than angry. I was furious. I wish I knew Klaus's phone number. But, wait a minute! I didn't know his number, but I could guess it. So, I took pen and paper and closed my eyes. I brought in my mind all the numbers from zero to nine. When a number seemed to stand out from the other, I wrote it down. In this way, I managed to form a phone number. Let's just hope it's the right one. I didn't hesitate and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Klaus answered. Yes!

"It's me. I want to talk to you." I said emotionlessly.

"What happened?" He said pretending he didn't know.

"I'll be at the park. You'd better come." I said hanging up.

I hoped I sounded really pissed off. That would make him come and find me. I was at the park ten minutes later, waiting for Klaus to appear.

"You said you wanted to talk to me." He said appearing suddenly, behind me. I turned around to look at him. I tried to look as hostile as possible. He understood. "Look, I know what you are thinking-" He was cut off by my hand landing on his cheek. Hard.

"That's for Elena. And no, you can't imagine what I am thinking! You tried to kill Jeremy and you would have succeeded, if it wasn't Alaric to get in the way. Seriously, why are you acting like this? Tell me!"

"I want to have my family back. Stefan took them-"

"I don't care, but what's the point of killing everyone in order to get them? What had Jeremy to do with all these? You see, Stefan doesn't care about anything or anyone! Because of you! And now you are asking from Damon and Elena to control him? Are you serious?" He was about to say something, but I cut him off again. "And you know what is the most annoying? I actually thought that deep inside, very, very deep inside you were a good person. But, it seems I was wrong. Again."

I didn't say anything else. I waited for him to say something. But that something wasn't the one I expected. "You are right. You've made a mistake believing that I'm not a monster. I tried to make you see the truth, but you wouldn't. This is who I am and I'm not going to change. Although, this doesn't change the fact that your protection is still one of my top priorities. I'm sorry you were disappointed, but as I said I tried to show you the truth. Now, if you excuse me, I have people to kill." He said disappearing, leaving me speechless. I sighed and turned my back to the direction Klaus had disappeared.

I was far away from the spot where Klaus and I met, when my phone started ringing. It was him. I ignored the call. A few seconds later, it started ringing again. I was about to pick it up and say something I would really regret later, but I stopped since I saw that Bonnie was calling.

"Hello Cassie? How are you doing?"

"Surviving." I answered.

"Look, I really have to talk to you about something. Do you mind coming to my home?"

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