Chapter 53

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"There have been only a few months, since I've started seeing strange dreams. At first, I thought I was watching too much fiction, but it turned out I was the fiction. It was very difficult for me. I was really scared. I thought I had started losing my mind. When I started to see visions whenever I touched somebody, I had completely freaked out."

"I understand. But, hadn't you suspected anything? Take your name as an example."

"How should I know? A couple of months ago, if you told me that vampires, werewolves, witches, hybrids, prophetesses existed, I would advise you to visit a mental hospital. No one ever told me anything." He nodded and I continued. "The scariest part was when I started to see people dying by vampire attacks. Later, I found out it was Damon who was responsible for most of them. I thought I had completely lost it, when I predicted the death of one of our teachers. Not by seeing the scene, but predicting the location of his death. And by the way Damon had killed him too."

"It must have been really difficult for you." It was now his turn to comfort me.

"It was."

I sighed remembering how difficult was for me at first. It was still difficult.

"How did you find out about your gift?" He asked me. I smirked.

"Gift. You don't know how it is like to live with this curse. And knowing you will live with it until you die. Or you will pass it to your children. But to answer your question, it was my Granny who decided to tell me. I didn't dare talk to anybody. I was afraid. When, the vampires got out of the tomb, she decided it would be best to go away from this place in order to keep me safe. But, it wasn't the only thing that led her to make that decision." I stopped.

"Yes?" He encouraged me to continue.

"Usually, prophetesses see visions during their sleep or by touching someone. It's difficult to see visions if you don't have anything to drive power from, like the touch with another person. That's why it was necessary for some prophetesses in the antiquity to get high, in a way. Of course my ancestor, Cassandra, was the exception to the rule. It was really rare to find somebody able to see visions without any help."

"Let me guess. You can see visions without help?"

"Yes. But, it is very painful physically. Do you remember when I told you about Damon and Alaric being in danger?"

"Yes, your eyes were..."

"Red. Yeah, that was the first time I had seen a vision awake. The second time my eyes were just the red you saw. I didn't pass out. My body starts to get used to the... situation."

"It must have been some good points though." I laughed sadly.

"I wish there were. When I see a vision, there is no chance it won't become true. There is no way to alter the result. But, now I'm thinking of it there might be a good point. At least, kind of, you can't call it a privilege."

"What is it?" He asked me, his eyes full of interest.

"If somebody kills a prophetess, either intentionally or not, they will suffer during their whole life from visions showing every single death on this earth, especially the torturing ones, not to mention both physical and psychological pain they will be through. This is a way of revenge for a prophetess's death. It is actually a spell placed on our bloodline to protect us. That's helped to keep away our enemies. From every species."

"I'm glad to hear there is a way to keep you safe."

"Do you see only bad events?" He continued.

"Not necessarily. I can see some important events of my life. Every prophetess does."

"So have you seen any?" He asked me. I blushed remembering the dream/vision we were kissing.

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