* Posting To Muree*

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A few days ago

I dial Dad's home office landline as I only want to talk to him. The phone ring is going and at any minute his professional tone will emerge.

While waiting for him to pick me up. I am sipping my tea. It is still in my mouth when a female voice boomed through the phone.

"Asalamu Alaikum, this is Ali Ahmed's residence.  How can I help you?".

I begin to choke on the chai which makes me cough profusely and I am not able to answer.

"Are you going talk or keep coughing? " the voice on the other side said.

"I am going to talk. If I didn't then why would I have called" I said irritatingly?

"Who do you need to talk to?" The girl replied.

"Whose office is that?" I asked.

"I asked you...you tell me" she has the guts to reply to me like that.

"Then guess" I fire back.

"You guess" she utters.

" the guy name Ali, " I said as I had a meeting to go to but give up unwillingly.

In the distance, I could hear Dad's voice then the girl said to him handing him the phone

"Ali Uncle ... it is for you".

"Thank you Saama beta " I heard Dad voice her lovingly.

When I heard her name, I jerked up from my chair, and a smile spread across my face. She has come back. I will definitely make her mine this time.


I told Dad, that I have been posted to Muree for the next two years and I will be staying home most of the time.

Upon hearing this news, he got elated.

I could hear mama and Khadija, my younger sister's voices in the background...sounding unhappy. When they repeatedly make sure in fear. A smile full of evilness spread across my face when I sense they are fearing from me.

"Is he gonna stay here for two years?"..... " He had never stayed this long in the house ever since he had gone off to the army".

I heard their whispers as Dad finally realized the phone was still on.

I am not sad that they are unhappy because I don't care about both of them.  They are unhappy that is what makes me happy. Their trembling heart, pale faces, and walking on eggshells around me make me overjoyed.

Ever since I have gotten into the army. I have never come home even on my holidays.  Even if I had it was only because of Dad's insistence.

During my stay,  I would despise Khadija and mamma so much to the extent that it would make me laugh. If they weren't around me I would shout and scream just to make them tremble in fear.

Now both of them fear me so much that they wouldn't even come out of their room when I am home. Although they are my blood-related mother and sister yet I detest them so much. I have my own reasons to do that.

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