* Zaabit Bhai To Zaabit : part 2*

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Saama ~ POV

I look up to be met with Soham's ocean blue eyes that naturally tone down my raging disturbed heart from a while ago.

I can never be his because I am this man, in front of me filled with warmness.

Yes, in a few moments, I am going to be his forever and ever and no, Zaabit Bhai can get in between us.

This man with ocean eyes didn't have much to do to make me his. The easiness within him made me his because, on the first encounter, he knew...I am his when I thought of it nothing less than an insane thought. His insane thought is becoming our reality.

The red net curtain with Mukesh is placed between us to separate the males and females.

I smile back at him as I am yet again met with his weak smile that tells me that something is off.

I look away as I thought, it might be because of me that he is as nervous as I am right now. It may be prenuptial syndrome.

My eyes wander over the male section, searching for the coal eyes but they were nowhere to be seen.

I let out a sigh of relief from his lack of presence.

My life's most precious words are about to come into life and now that he is nowhere to be seen, I am going to say them so loudly and smoothly that it echoes in the entire house forever to hunt him that he lost to me, to his own words.

I nervously hold onto my mom's hands as she rubs my back in a circle in "Don't be nervous, just be yourself".

I smile at her because at the moment that is all I can conjure.

As molvi Sahab walks in with the paper in his hand, a silence capture the noise in its hold.

Everybody waits as molvi asks Soham.

"Do you Soham Shah agree and accept Saama Zaboor as your lawful wife?"

I close my eyes as I await his yes.

A yes, that is about to change my life into a sacred relationship. A yes, that is about to test our devotion to each other. A yes, that is about to make us one.

"Do you Soham Shah agree and accept Saama Zaboor as your lawful wife?"

I breathe in as I wait for the sure answer. I tense up at the fact what is making him stop when we are so close to becoming each other.

"No...No...No. I don't accept her as my lawful wife"

Soham voices his rejection which takes us by surprise as his answer doesn't meet our expectations.

As the molvi declares that this marriage cannot take place, I find myself, my hopes, my dreams, and my life-shattering to just that one word.

I look up at him questioningly but today, I cannot find my answer in those eyes that are staring back at me accusingly.

I get up but my mom grip to not to. I look at her and plead with my eyes, how can I stay put, when he is backing out on his words. His words, made me believe him.

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