*Part : 2 (bonus chapter)*

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Saama POV

There is nothing in this room that could possibly tell me what had happened during the time my light was gone. I rummaged through my study table, side table, my side of the closet and even my old room.

There is nothing.

She has it somewhere here. I know that for sure but where.

I see a new collection of books on the study table and seems like it could belong to Zaabit. By looking at the book, it appears to have been studied thoroughly. A red pen underlining specific words that doesn't need dictionary.

Logic kicks in, he wouldn't have time.

Should I expose, that it wasn't me who had given herself to him. He wouldn't believe me. He never did anyway. It wouldn't make any sense to him.

He will probably leave me, once he knows what kind of person he has married.

I breathe in.

Its not for me to bother. I didn't wanted him in the first place. He offered to so he better live with it.

A tiny part of me feels very sad that he had married a girl like me. A girl with Parkinson disease, multiple personality, and above all who doesn't love him back. He could get anybody in the world yet he is bound with me.

I smack my head with my palm.

I must be finally going insane to feel pitiful for him.

Stop it Saama, I voice to my conscious.

I stride back and forth in the room, taking deep breaths.

The view outside my window stop me in my track. The sun hiding away, leaving a peachy hue in the sky. I push the sliding window away and walkout to stand in the balcony to soak the freshness that the air possess.

Thoughts upon thoughts delve in my mind and gradually that breaks me into tears. I seem like a mess with all the snout filling my nose and tear staining my cheeks. I cry for what seems like a long time, and with blurry vision I didn't realize that the sky has run dark blue, everything has fallen quiet as night pulls over the day.

With the back of my hand, I wipe away the last of the tear that falls off my eyes.

I stand up and my eyes settle upon Zaabit who is cycling in. A scowl itched on his face and even before he had stop the cycle to a decent halt. He jumps off. The cycle hits the bricks with rough grunt.

He runs.

Anger exuding his frame. I tread back to the room, mess howling. I begin to pick things up and throw them into my side of the closet.

When I am about to shut the closet, a book with brown cover holds my attention. I grasp it. I turn it over and at the center with golden color in italic his name is written.

Curiosity got the best of me as I stand glue to the spot, forgetting the fact he will appear any time soon. I flip the first page, and cold shiver runs along the spine of me. It happens when I am excited. There is a tingling sensation that for the first time I am peering into the personal world.

The door unlocks.

I want to read.

And shuts with thunderous effect.

"Saama" he growls.

Reflex kicks in and I throw it back.

I blow my hand to face to feel almost ashamed of getting caught in something like this.

As the first of the thing create a havoc by falling to the floor. I shuddered in fear.

I quiver in my own skin as glasses breaks, creating a fear that grips me... making me unable to reply. He strides into the walk-in closet area. His eyes glaring with tension. And I twirl so that my back is fronting him.

Taking time to hide my apprehension.

He turns me by the shoulder, push me back and into the closet. Pain sears me and I feel everything dislocating with the pressure. A yelp escape from my mouth when he bang his bare hands on the closet to either side of me. The tension rise to maximum as we grip eachother in place with just our gaze.

I put my arms around his long neck and pull him toward me, our lips brushing against eachother with the little friction that leaves me wreck.

Before he could think, I press my lips against his.

Almost dishevelled by the action. My demanding lips makes him give in, though unwillingly the kiss deepens as we inhale through our nose.

He remains intact, caging me in place...maybe he doesn't want to touch me. My hands moves to grasp a generous amount of his tee shirt neckline and I pull him in to never end the kiss.

This is how sabrina makes him feel and I hope I had achieve the kissing part.

Kissing is the potion to everything.

We pull apart as we fight for air. And once we have regain our breathing rhythm, I look up.

His stern gaze capture me and I pull my lips into a satisfying smile.

"So who did I just kiss?" He exclaims.

Salam and Hello beautifuls....

Here is the bonus chapter and tomorrow is updated. ...

Plz don't forget to vote ....

Until then stay happy and make others happy :) ♥

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